
FAT Hair! Benefits of Omega 3 on Hair

FAT Hair! Benefits of Omega 3 on Hair*   Omega-3 fatty acids. We hear about them all the time. So much goodness for you such as lowering your triglycerides, possibly curbing stiffness & joint pain, and lowering levels of depression.* The list goes on and on. Number one on the list of omega-3s that people […]

Guilt-free : Hair Follicle Detox for Hair Growth

long fine hair, how to detox your hair, Purify your hair diy, hair follicle detox, hair follicle detox for hair growth

Guilt-free : Hair Follicle Detox for Hair Growth   Don’t feel guilty when you try different products. Sometimes, you have to do so when you run out of Belegenza and forget to re-order. Maybe you went on a trip and they confiscated your products at security. Maybe you simply forgot to pack them, because you […]

The Best Leave in Hair Treatment: 3 Best Leave In Conditioners

The Best Leave in Hair Treatment: 3 Best Leave In Conditioners* moisturize protect from heat prevent split ends extend hair color longevity Easy to use & intense!   What makes the best leave in hair treatment work? Knowing what is the missing element of hair. For example, when tinting and coloring, the cuticle layer and […]

Low Sodium and Hair Loss : The Balding Confusion Revealed

low sodium and hair loss

Low Sodium and Hair Loss* What’s your next BIG EVENT? Belegenza prepares beautiful celebrities & YOU for “red carpet events, graduations, weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, etc.” Be certain to deliver an intense stack of nutrients & elements to the core of your hair for maximum hair growth on a day by day basis, so that your […]

Best Chemical Free Shampoo Inspires Cleaning Right

best chemical free shampoo

Best Chemical Free Shampoo Inspires Cleaning Right*     What’s your next BIG EVENT? Belegenza prepares beautiful celebrities & YOU for “red carpet events, graduations, weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, etc.” Be certain to deliver an intense stack of nutrients & elements to the core of your hair for maximum hair growth on a day by day […]

Why and How does GrowOUT work?

Growing hair faster and getting thinning hair to grow thicker is a combination of hairs in differing phases of the follicle growth patterns. Keeping the anchoring molecules healthy prolongs the life of a hair, and energizing the follicle can awaken the hair into its growing phase quicker.  Natural GrowOUT by Belegenza addresses these two important […]

Ingredients Belegenza Uses and WHY!

Just updated a page on our site, and it just reminded me about the foundation for how we make our products and how we assume that everyone knows! So, it’s quick and easy to read, AND it has one understand a bit more why we do what we do, and why they work so well! […]