
Growing hair faster and getting thinning hair to grow thicker is a combination of hairs in differing phases of the follicle growth patterns. Keeping the anchoring molecules healthy prolongs the life of a hair, and energizing the follicle can awaken the hair into its growing phase quicker.  Natural GrowOUT by Belegenza addresses these two important factors, giving women and men and children longer, fuller hair by empowering the natural growth process.


GrowOUT Shampoo and Strengthener, and GrowOUT Scalp Energizing Spray were products Cheryl and I developed by looking at the problem from the point of view that hair is made of food… the food that you eat and the water that you drink.  IF the follicle is the hair factory, what material should the factory have and use to build the best hair!  From there, we set out on a mission to study each culture’s beliefs about growing healthy hair faster, and scientific approaches to growing hair faster, and even the lore about growing hair faster…  GrowOUT is the culmination thus far of our work, AND fun!   Now being known for being amazingly effective, we are developing new versions of the GrowOUT series to be announced soon!

Jillian Armenante, Actress, Fresh Off the Boat, Kittens in a Cage:

I can’t live without it! Really, I can’t tell you how awesome your stuff is. I have tried it all over the years, and the list goes on and on. Nothing touches this stuff. OMG, thanks so much.
“The Holy Grail of hair products” and I am passing your contact info to our key MUA!
And thanks again,