Best Vitamin for Healthy Hair : The 3 Little Pigs Taught the Secret *
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What do 3 Little Pigs know about hair growth?
What those 3 Little Pigs were trying to show us is that building materials make a difference, against the big bad wolf!
Suppose the Big Bad Wolf was the Big Bad Chemical Beauty Industry….
When you build hair out of straw, wood or bricks you get 3 versions of hair.
Even though your hair genes say, fine blonde straight , or dark coarse curly, or anything inbetween, they all require building blocks to grow those hairs.
What you supply your follicles makes all the difference in the quality of hair you build.
So, doesn’t it make sense to be sure to build the BEST fine blonde straight hair or BEST dark coarse curly hair possible?
Of course.
Even though the comparison or metaphor breaks down after a while, this is what the story can teach us about hair.
Most people are looking for the magic bullet–the one thing that’s going to make THE difference in hair growth.
What is the best vitamin for hair growth?
What is the best vitamin for healthy hair?
What is the best beauty potion for hair growth?
What is the best (fill in the blank) for hair growth?
Like the pigs learned, if you wish for a structure that would withstand the Wolf’s horrendous breath, bricks (strong) were the answer.
BUT, it wasn’t just bricks….
If you’ve ever seen anyone lay bricks, it requires lots of other things, like a foundation, some support structures, and the mortar/cement stuff, which requires water and a bunch of other things… you get the point, right?
In other words, you need the strongest proteins, amino acids, a complete array of vitamins, etc. and even plenty of water to keep your body hydrated!
It takes ALL kinds of things to transport those bits you jam in your mouth through your body and bloodstream to your follicles, so that the papilla can build those strong (brick-like) hairs!
So, what about Suzy Q, who swears by Noni juice, or Viviscal, or Iron, or collagen, or biotin??
It’s the law of averages or ratios.
IF Suzy was deficient in a vitamin in the Noni juice, or Viviscal, then it’s probably going to make a difference.
But if YOU use those things, you don’t get the results. Why?
Maybe you are deficient in ….. Vitamin R… ( no such thing that we know of). It’s an example.
Once you distinguish which Vitamin it is, then THAT’s the one that’s going to have your hair grow!
So, the trick is to round out your nutritiion and water intake, and to eliminate things that are depleting the actions of those things.
So, there is not ONE Vitamin that fits all in the category of the Best Vitamin For Hair Growth….
The Best Vitamin for Hair Growth is the one you are not getting enough of!
It’s that simple.
It’s also complicated.
For example, did you know that if you are on Metformin, it uses up more of your Vitamin B’s?
So, if you are using that, you can be pretty certain that if you increase your Vitamin B’s, you will probably have healthier hair!
So, let’s say it another way really quickly and then we’ll tell you the questions you want to ask yourself to get faster results!
The blood supply to the follicles is the delivery system of building blocks for hair.
Slow circulation means slow delivery.
Think of a house being built.
You have to have the materials to build the house.
Straw homes need straw, wood homes need wood, and brick houses need bricks.
For follicles to grow hair, you need the right proteins (not soy), vitamins and many elements (by the way, biotin is NOT what you think!).
Metabolizing wrong foods, your follicles are robbed of materials needed to grow healthy hair.
Insufficient hair materials equals thin and no hair.
Dieters beware.
Eat follicle-feeding foods for your hair and avoid the wrong foods heralded as balanced foods.
Ask yourself these things:
Am I restricting (dieting)? (low calories, low nutrition, low balanced diet)
How can I round out my nutrition? ( Can I supplement to balance it out?)
Am I taking a medication that may be pulling nutrition to process it in my body? (Chemo, Metformin, Glucophage, etc.)*
Alcohol takes nutrition to process. ( Am I over limits of what is recommended by my physician?)
Do I get enough plain water per day? ( Am I counting tea, coffee, electrolyte waters in the 8-10 glasses recommended per day?)
As this stirs your thinking and discovery, feel free to get with us at Belegenza to help look for things that might be the culprit.
We love helping people to get thrilled about their hair!
As you probably have figured out by now, we’ve developed the BEST leave-on nutrient mix ever. We call it GrowOUT Scalp Energizing Spray that you can use EVERY day, whether you shampoo or not that day.
There are so many things that can be done to improve your hair growth. So, while you are doing a complete inventory of your building blocks, we’ll help your hair with over 17 trusted ingredients AT ONCE!
Lastly, keep a log of the things that you are taking (meds, alcohol, vitamins, etc.).
As you see your new hair growing in stronger than ever, you’ll be able to look back with accuracy at the thing that you did to make the differences. You will discover YOUR best vitamin for healthy hair or whatever the missing thing was!
This will give you a guide.
You will be able to KNOW the next BEST right thing to do!
Below are 2 FREE bits of information to print out and keep on file as you keep a diary of your building blocks.
“I’ve been a customer for YEARS, until I got sinus and bronchitis trouble back when COVID made its way to the US. No COVID, but my hair started falling and breaking! With all that, I ran out of Belegenza at the same time, and just couldn’t get myself to make an order. AND, on top of that, my life was shrinking with the lock-down, not going to the office, or essentially anything. So, I just bought some good stuff from the store, and figured no one is looking at me. BUT, with the hair falling out and breaking, it just made my lock-down that much worse! I know better. I know how much my hair, makeup and clothing make in my attitude about myself. So, I’m back to Belegenza, just like they say. I’m feeling and looking better every day!” S.K., Springfield, MO
Don’t let silicones break your hair any more. Make the switch to Belegenza, now.
Best Vitamin for Healthy Hair : FREE information to print out!
Be sure the scalp is CLEAR of the thinning agents that compromise hair growth! (Silicone Avoid List FREE info)
Be sure to discover at all things affecting your hair growth on a 24/7 basis ( 12 Everyday Things Affecting Hair Thinning/ Hair Growth FREE info)
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Always Silicone Free : Best Vitamin for Healthy Hair
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*Consult your physician for any and all medical conditions. Information on this site is provided for informational & entertainment purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. The results reported may not necessarily occur in all individuals. BELEGENZA LLC and KEITH ESCHENBURG INC is providing this site and its contents on an “as is” basis and makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this site or its contents. Except as specifically stated on this site, neither BELEGENZA LLC and KEITH ESCHENBURG INC nor any of its directors, employees or other representatives will be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this site. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This (these) product(s) is(are) not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor is any growth claimed. Individual results may vary.
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tags: best vitamin for healthy hair