Intro to Does Hair Grow Back After Chemo: 3 Key Ingredients Hair Growth Oils Must Have
Here’s what you probably already know, because you have done hours of research. Chemotherapy hair loss is a function of hair follicles being attacked by chemotherapy treatment.
But, with all the information out there, and the overwhelming emotion of it all you want answers you can count on, right?
You’re probably wondering the answer to a very common question:
Does hair grow back after chemo?
Chemotherapy attacks rapidly dividing cells.
Hair cells and cancer cells are both rapidly dividing cells, and chemo can’t differentiate between the cells.
During chemotherapy, you want to eliminate as many other hair-stressing situations as possible.
You can learn more about it right now in a FREE guide, “12 Everyday Things Slowing Hair Growth: Hair Thinning Reversed.”
Fortunately, if the hair follicles weren’t killed, they are ready to get busy once you’ve finished your last treatment.
Of course, you will need to detox from the medication, so the first 68 days are crucial.
Growth may be slow at first, but
we are here to help you navigate through it all.
It’s essential to give your hair and scalp plenty of TLC.
We’ll help you maximize your hair growth and help stop it from falling out.
Continue reading to learn about three ingredients that
hair growth oils must have.
Does Hair Grow Back After Chemo: 3 Key Ingredients Hair Growth Oils Must Have
1. Proven Penetrating Oils: Oils come in different sizes, and the oils used must be small enough to penetrate into the hair. If the oils used are too large, they won’t penetrate the hair and cause problems for your hair, scalp, and follicles. Though trusted by cultures forever, oils like coconut, olive, argan, etc., may have styling merit by adding a “feeling” of moisture and shine on the surface of the hair strand; it doesn’t go into the hair.
Unfortunately, their molecular weight is too large to penetrate most imbrication of the hair. Though shea butter is often heralded, it’s molecularly too large.
So, in certain situations, the slippery feel will at least allow combs and brushes to slide through a bit easier but has very little to do with strengthening or moisturizing the interior core of the hair.
The heaviness of the hair is due to its inability to absorb into the hair strand or follicle area, causing all sorts of short and long-term problems with
hair growth, simple style ability, and longevity.
Heavy oils don’t add moisture to the hair.
In fact, with a bit of heat, you might be doing to the hair what hot oil does to egg proteins in a pan. It makes them stiff (like cooked egg whites) with crispy edges, which might taste great as a fried egg.
In hair, though, it hardens the strand, crisps the ends (splits them), and breaks them. Keep using them, and you’ll end up with dry, thin, broken hair!
With scientific advances, new extraction methods have been employed to pull just the “essence” of the oils.
These smaller versions are rare, expensive, and not a common ingredient for mass-market and salon products.
These smaller versions of oils are the most beneficial to the scalp and hair growth bulb in keeping flexibility and pliability.
So, the question is how do you get these specific oil extracts? (we’re getting there…)
2. A Blood Circulation Stimulator That Is Hypo-allergenic:
It’s beneficial to use a topical and transdermal blood stimulator that makes the blood rush to the follicles to deliver a few extra loads of
hair-building blocks. Not all stimulators are suitable. Some use capsicum (red pepper), limonene (citrus peel oils), Isopropyl Alcohol (medicinal rubbing alcohol), or linalool (umbrella term for terpene alcohol extracts, some as harsh as turpentine), and a host of volatile active oils.
These could be considered safe for most when used responsibly, but for those with sensitivities, your skin could react badly. At Belegenza, we’ve added a bit of a natural stimulator, menthol. Very few are allergic to it. As well, we add just a bit to get the job done.
3. Emulsifiers That Keep the Follicles Moisturized Without Clogging the Follicle: Each day, as you struggle to keep each and every hair on your head happy, alive, and well, the chemicals that are hidden in those supposedly helpful products are terrorizing the acid mantel and sebaceous glands.
As your scalp senses the terror from the chemically-laden hair products, it signals your sebaceous glands to help balance the acid mantle.
The glands go into hyper-mode, squirting out sebum, and this is why your hair may look good in the morning, but by afternoon it looks like a hot mess.
Conclusion to Does Hair Grow Back After Chemo: 3 Key Ingredients Hair Growth Oils Must Have
If your scalp is being bombarded by certain common chemicals, you may be inadvertently signaling to the follicles that there’s no hope.
Of course with the chemotherapy attacking the rapidly dividing cells, you want to make sure you are not
adding insult to injury.
It’s important to do the right things to keep your
follicles properly nourished to avoid the death of those follicles.
Belegenza Natural Hair Care has taken the guesswork out of which hair care products are right for you.
Belegenza continuously researches ingredients
to provide you with the best and safest possible.
You can now use 17 tried and trusted hair growth factors in Belegenza products simultaneously.
Check out the Chemo Premium Care NOW package or the Chemo Feel Better Look Better NOW package for the perfect products for you.
Healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp!
Experience fuller, stronger, and healthier hair.
You probably have time to use ONE product line that provides over 17 ingredients in them and get results now.