Intro to Stress and Hair Loss
Have you been stressed lately?
Are you noticing a change in your hair and worried about hair loss?
Given the current state of the economy, with high inflation,
it’s no wonder why you might be losing hair.
High inflation can cause significant financial stress, leading to increased stress and anxiety, which leads to hair loss.
It’s understandable to be freaking out and stressed when you go to the grocery store, and the bill keeps increasing, but the number of items in your basket keeps decreasing.
Stress can have some negative effects on your hair and scalp.
It can cause an increased production of cortisol and adrenaline, which can increase inflammation in your body.
It can also cause a large number of hair follicles to enter the resting phase at the same time, called telogen effluvium.
This is normally temporary, and there are actions you can take now to ensure you experience fuller, stronger, healthier hair.
Stress and Hair Loss
******Before you continue reading, it’s important to note that we are not medical professionals, nor are we giving any medical advice.*****
Here are some actions you can take now to help with stress and hair loss:
1. Reduce stress: Finding ways to manage stress, such as exercise, yoga, meditation, and/or speaking to a therapist, can help reduce stress levels.
2. Eating a variety of healthy foods: Eating a variety of foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals is beneficial for hair growth and healthy hair. Foods that are high in protein, zinc, and iron are particularly important.
3. Avoid harsh hair products: It’s crucial that you use gentle, natural, and chemical-free hair care products. Make sure they are SLS (sodium laurel sulfate) free and chemical-free, and nasties free.
AND most importantly, be sure you avoid silicone and its dastardly derivatives that can seep down into the follicle to choke hair growth and disrupt the anchoring molecules of the hair.
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4. Scalp massage: Using the pads of your fingers, move in a circular motion all around your scalp. This helps to ease tension and increases blood flow to your hair follicles.
5. Get plenty of rest: Getting enough sleep can promote overall well-being and help reduce stress.
Conclusion to Stress and Hair Loss
The inflation rates may be out of our control, but how we manage the care for our hair and scalp is not.
Belegenza Natual Hair Care has taken the stress out of choosing
the right products for all of your hair and scalp needs.
The GrowOut System | 4 Part | Fast Hair Growth package is
perfect for your hair and scalp needs.
For those needing a deeper conditioning treatment, add RoMANce Deep Conditioning Treatment to your hair care routine.
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Oh, if you’re not ready to get started now,
be sure to print out your copy of
“12 Everyday Things Slowing Hair Growth: Hair Thinning Reversed!”
Tags: Stress and Hair Loss, silicone free, sls free, Stress and Hair Loss
Stress and Hair Loss
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