Your Scalp is Your Skin
It needs soothing care.
Rather than forcing a result, our compatible ingredients gently encourage your scalp to do what it does best…grow hair.
We remove any harsh ingredients. Your scalp can relax. It will use its energy to heal and grow hair.
Our treatment overcomes:
- oily problems
- dry problems
- Itchy issues
- patchy hair
- red scalp
- or simply slow-growing scalp conditions.
Scalp issues can be created from nerves, stress, synthetic residues from products, and/or allergies to synthetic ingredients.
Belegenza offers a specialized bundle of products for scalp conditions
Or purchase the following recommended products:
Recommended Shampoos
Recommended Conditioner
DraMatic Daily Volumizing Conditioner and weekly RoMANce Deep Conditioning
Recommended Leave-in Conditioners
Encore Leave-in Conditioner or VirglNity Hair Repair Treatment
Recommended Styling Aids
GrowOut Scalp Nutrient Spray, PerForm Control Styling Gel, Spotlite Shine Serum, Simply Straight Progressive Straightener, or Taffy Style Cream