Intro to Grey Hair and Hair Loss: 3 Key Ingredients Hair Growth Oils Must Have! Say NO to Alopecia!
Your hair follicles contain active and inactive melanocytes (melanin-producing cells) that give your hair its color.
Your follicles regenerate and recruit the dormant melanocytes to replace the depleted ones after the growth phase of your hair.
When the inactive melanocytes run out, your follicles don’t have a reserve of pigmentation and your hair strands will grow out grey/white.
As greying (or graying, if you wish) continues, your hair may frequently look wiry, and may lack a youthful, silky texture and vibrant shine, due to the reduction of sebum produced by your oil glands in your scalp.
Hair follicles get smaller as we age, and with smaller follicles come smaller individual hairs! This process can be slowed when you take the right actions.
These smaller hairs, have a more transparent appearance from the lack of pigment. (Especially noticeable for those who color their grey hair when the roots are growing in. Because it’s lacking color at the roots, it seems to be very thin looking and practically see-through…Once tinted, you are better able to see the hair, thus looking thicker!)
Again, this pigment lack makes your hair look thinner–but,
now, this doesn’t have to happen to you!
Continue reading if you want to have great grey hair and discover the 3 key ingredients hair growth oils must have.
Grey Hair and Hair Loss: 3 Key Ingredients Hair Growth Oils Must Have! Say NO to Alopecia!
1. Proven Penetrating Oils: Oils come in different sizes and it’s important that the oils used are small enough to penetrate into the hair. If the oils used are too large, they won’t penetrate the hair and cause problems for your hair, scalp, and follicles.
Though trusted by cultures forever, oils like coconut, olive, argan, etc., may have styling merit by adding a “feeling” of moisture and shine on the surface of the hair strand, it doesn’t go into the hair.
Unfortunately, their molecular weight is too large to penetrate most imbrications of the hair. Though shea butter is often heralded, it’s molecularly too large.
So, in certain situations, the slippery feel will at least allow combs and brushes to slide through a bit easier but has very little to do with strengthening or moisturizing the interior core of the hair. Many call this “moisture,” but that’s an old belief that has been passed on forever. Moisture is not oil-based. Moisture is water-based and when you feel the real difference, it’s remarkable!
Back to oils, the heaviness of the hair is due to the oil’s inability to absorb into the hair strand or follicle area. This can cause all sorts of short and long-term problems with hair growth, simple style ability, and longevity.
Heavy oils don’t add moisture to the hair. In fact, with a bit of heat (flat iron, wands, curling irons & blowdryers) you might be doing to the hair what hot oil does to egg proteins in a pan.
It makes them stiff (like cooked egg whites) with crispy edges which might taste great as a fried egg.
In hair, though, it hardens the strand, and crisps the ends (splits them) and breaks them.
Keep using them and you’ll end up with dry, thin, broken hair!
With advances in science, new extraction methods have been employed to pull just the “essence” of the oils. These smaller versions are rare, expensive, and not a common ingredient for mass market and salon products. These smaller versions of oils are the most beneficial to the scalp and hair growth bulb in keeping flexibility and pliability.
2. A Blood Circulation Stimulator That Is Hypo-allergenic: It’s beneficial to use a topical and transdermal blood stimulator that makes the blood rush to the follicles to deliver a few extra loads of hair building blocks. Not all stimulators are suitable. Some use capsicum (red pepper), limonene (citrus peel oils), Isopropyl Alcohol (medicinal rubbing alcohol), or linalool (umbrella term for terpene alcohol extracts, some as harsh as turpentine), and a host of volatile active oils.
These could be considered safe for most when used responsibly, but for those with sensitivities, your skin could react badly. At Belegenza, we’ve added a bit of a natural stimulator, menthol. Very few are allergic to it. As well, we add just a bit to get the job done.
3. Emulsifiers That Keep the Follicles Moisturized Without Clogging the Follicle: Each day as you struggle to keep each and every hair on your head happy, alive, and well, the chemicals that are hidden in those supposedly helpful products are terrorizing the acid mantel and sebaceous glands. As your scalp senses the terror from the chemically-laden hair products, it signals your sebaceous glands to help balance the acid mantle. The glands go into hyper-mode squirting out sebum and this is why your hair may look good in the morning, but by afternoon it looks like a hot mess.
Grey Hair and Hair Loss: 3 Key Ingredients Hair Growth Oils Must Have! Say NO to Alopecia!
Grey hair is inevitable, so it’s vital to take care of your hair follicles to ensure you are growing your best hair possible.
It’s imperative that you use gentle, natural, and nourishing hair care products. Make sure they are SLS (sodium laurel sulfate) free and chemical-free and nasties free as in products by Belegenza.
Belegenza Natural Hair Care has taken the guesswork out of which hair care products are right for you. Continuously research by Belegenza gives you more than 17 ingredients to provide you with the best and safest results possible.
Check out the Grey Hair Perfection Package by Belegenza for your hair and scalp needs.
To ensure a deep shine, the empty portion of the hair damage sites must be treated without silicones and nourished
by certain unique ingredients typically too expensive to be used in conventional products.
Where the pigment is missing, the proper ingredients will allow
a prismatic reflection of light, making
your hair seem as if the lights are on INSIDE your hair!
Talk about confidence when your hair looks THIS extraordinary!
But that’s not all!
What you will find is that Belegenza proudly provides you with not just one or two popular hair growth ingredients but
over 17 trusted hair growth factors
in easy-to-use products!
Longer luscious grey hair can be stunning, so let’s
grow it faster so you can change your looks more often and
brighten up any room you walk into!
So, with Belegenza, you can seriously say NO to alopecia!
And, by the way, you will also get Alan & Cheryl’s private cell/text so that you can get answers about your hair growth directly from them!
What other company does this for you and your hair?
Only Belegenza, Alan & Cheryl!
Take me to the Grey Hair Perfection Package, NOW!
Your Trusted Brother and Sister Great Grey-Gray Hair Growth Experts,
Alan & Cheryl
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