5 Tips for Men’s Hair Growth | 6 Months of Hair Growth Male
Intro to Men’s Hair Growth
Men’s hair loss is a common concern and dreaded by most!
Male pattern hair loss, that is, crown thinning and front hair line thinning seem to be the most common.
Roughly two-thirds of men will experience hair loss by their 30’s.
And what a lot of YOUNG men are noticing is that they are thinning at a younger age than their parents and grandparents. (There are common reasons that are grossly overlooked…keep reading for answers & what you can do immediately to slow it down.)
There are options available to slow hair loss and stimulate new hair growth, yet the market is so cluttered with false info and companies out to make a buck off of your fear with little or no results.
Prevention is the best way to manage and slow hair loss, but PROPER early intervention is the key.
It’s important to start a regimen once you start to notice your hair thinning, yet what wives’ tales and conventional thinking get you is minimal.
Hair loss only gets worse over time if you don’t start taking actions now to slow and prevent hair thinning.
5 Tips for Men’s Hair Growth
Prevention is one of the best approaches to managing your health.
All guys want to know how to prevent hair loss, even if he isn’t worried about losing his hair at this moment.
If there is ever a sign of something going on up there, it’s reassuring to know that there are things that can be done to prevent and slow hair loss.
Some of the best prevention methods are:
1. Eat a nutrient-dense diet: It is important to take care of your body from the inside out.
Your daily intake of protein is important because it provides the amino acids that makeup keratin, which is the building block of your hair.
Lean meats, beans, fish, eggs, dairy, kale, and asparagus are great sources of protein.
If you are vegan, there are choices, yet stay away from soy. Otherwise, when you see your hair falling out, you won’t be able to say we didn’t warn you.
By the way, if you are NOT vegan, soy is still a problem lurking in regular foods and especially in protein drinks and protein bars. GET RID OF SOY IMMEDIATELY! Thank us later!
Healthy fats, such as coconut, olive, and flaxseed, provide your body with long-chain polyunsaturated fats and linoleic acids which are necessary for hair structure. Notice soy oil is NOT on the healthy list. Fruits and vegetables are essential to provide a variety of nutrients such as vitamin c, vitamin a, vitamin b5, vitamin b12, folate, zinc, and niacin. Inositol, which can be found in nuts, leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, and whole grains, helps improve the function of scalp cells.
Avoid refined sugar as much as possible.
2. Avoid soy, corn syrup, and mercury(fish): Unfortunately, soy protein is responsible for phytohemagglutinin, which is a plastic-like complex that lodges in the finest capillaries of the body.
Follicles have some of the finest capillaries as well as the retina of the eyes. Soy is used in everything from salad dressing, bread, and protein bars, to biofuel, to the ink that is printed in a book. You may think you don’t get any soy in your diet but think again. Baked goods, fried foods, gravies, sauces, low carb breads and foods, and even grilled foods from your favorite restaurant were probably coated with cooking oil (soy) to keep them from sticking to the grill.
Corn doesn’t exactly attack hair follicles, but many nutritionists will tell you that corn products disrupt so many metabolic processes and more, that your body will go into emergency mode again to get that disruptor out of the body or store it in the fat cells to not deal with it. With your body dealing with all the disruptors, there are minimal to no nutrients left to build hair or anchor that which is growing. Gluten-free eating has steered the unsuspecting public into corn based-gluten free prepared foods.
By the way, a dastardly additive is maltodextrin, which is corn-based.
Mercury is a disruptor of the body’s metabolic processes also and is not just in canned tuna. Watch out for swordfish, mackerel king, orange roughy, tuna, and even yellowtail. Got amalgam fillings in your teeth? That’s made with mercury.
3. Avoid substances that collect in or on your follicles: A few decades ago we worried about petroleum and mineral oil in hair products. But now, with “progress”, manufacturers have replaced those oils with silicones, acrylates, waxes, quaterniums, and plasticizers, which do wonders for making the hair look better. Also, if you are new to our method and philosophy, organic products typically contain silicone derivatives (the stuff caulk is made of) and may plug follicles and disrupt growth. Here’s a link to your free copy of the Silicone Derivative AVOID List.
4. Use gentle, natural, nourishing hair products: Only use gentle, nourishing, and chemical-free hair products to nourish your hair and scalp. It’s been shown that peppermint oil can promote hair growth. Also, rosemary oil has been traditionally used to increase blood flow to the scalp. Coconut oil, olive oil, and castor oil are all beneficial for hair growth too. To benefit from all of these natural remedies use Belegenza Natural Hair Care’s Men: Thin Hair Power Builder package or Hair Growth Power for Men package.
5. Scalp massage: Gently massage your scalp with the pads of your fingers for 4 minutes each day. This helps increase blood flow to your hair follicles and stimulates them. In a study of Japanese men, those that did this for 24 weeks had thicker hair at the end of the study.
Conclusion to 5 Tips for Men’s Hair Growth : 6 Months of Hair Growth Male
There are numerous treatments to help prevent and slow hair loss. Even if you are not worried at this moment about thinning hair, according to studies, it’s just a matter of time before your hair will thin.
Once you start noticing increased hair shedding and thinning, the condition only gets worse over time if no action is taken.
Prevention is the best way to manage issues, so it’s never too early to start taking action to prevent hair loss.
Doing everything possible today is quite an undertaking, yet “6 Months of Hair Growth Male” can be taken slowly but surely.
Take one action per day. Today, print your FREE Guide, “12 Everyday Things Slowing Hair Growth: Hair Thinning Reversed.”
Minimize one of the SHOCKING Hair Thinners from your everyday routine.
Once you get used to that adjustment, minimize the next logical one.
To power hair growth at the same time, add 17 trusted hair growth factors already blended to perfection WITHOUT silicone, dimethicone, paba, parabens, acrylates, liquid plastics in hair gels, in GrowOUT!
Print your copy of silicone derivatives to AVOID that are smothering your follicles found in 93% of hair growth products on the market already!
By the way, did you know that you will receive Alan & Cheryl’s (founders and creators of Belegenza GrowOUT) private cell/text number with any Belegenza package?
What other company does this?
Only Belegenza, Alan & Cheryl!
Let’s face it.
You’re going to keep trying things.
It was hard enough to find Belegenza GrowOUT to begin with.
Don’t wait.
By waiting, you risk the loss of more hair.
By the time you FINALLY decide this is the best option that at least deserves a try, you probably won’t remember how to spell or find BELEGENZA.COM again! We realize we are hard to find…yet worth it.
AT worst case, bookmark this page now, so that each day as you count the hairs lost, you’ll be able to find us again when you’ve finally realized Belegenza GrowOUT is your best choice!
Of course, if you are like most powerful men who demand results, get started now.
You can always downgrade back to trying other products later.
Order now, and prove it to yourself before you lose another hair!
Take me to the Men's Power Hair Growth Package
Tags: 5 Tips for Men’s Hair Growth 6 Months of Hair Growth Male, 5 Tips for Men’s Hair Growth| 6 Months of Hair Growth Male , 5 Tips for Men’s Hair Growth | 6 Months of Hair Growth Male, silicone free, nasties free, best natural hair growth products for young men, 5 Tips for Men’s Hair Growth | 6 Months of Hair Growth Male
I want to take the FREE "2 Minute Hair Evaluation," now!
“12 Everyday Things Slowing Hair Growth: Hair Thinning Reversed” FREE info. Print your own copy.
Your Trusted Brother & Sister Hair Growth Experts,
Alan & Cheryl
Success Stories
Hair Texture Changes
Tags: Hair Texture Changes and how to handle it, Hair Texture Changes, HAIR TEXTURE CHANGES,
OFFICIAL Guide to Hair Growth
Menopause and Hair Growth EXPOSED: Lose the Fear of Hair Loss

FREE of “the nasties!”
What are the nasties?
- salt
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Fine hair? Tinted? Indescribable damage? If you have found yourself on the “TRY ANYTHING” wheel, it may be that silicone and synthetic products just can’t quite cover up the damage that has accumulated coupled with hormonal influences on the hair’s natural processes. As Belegenza begins to purify your hair from these slick cover-ups, the true damage may be revealed and for the first few applications, your hair may tangle, feel dry or more brittle. This is temporary, as the micro-conditioning agents make their way INTO the damage sites. Keep going. It’s temporary, and you’ll be glad you did! Not only that, we’re here to assist you through the process. You can always start the conversation with “Alan-bot” who should have already popped up to help! If not, feel free to contact us at customersupport@belegenza.wp10.staging-site.io .
*Information on this site is provided for informational & entertainment purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional.
The results reported may not necessarily occur in all individuals.
BELEGENZA LLC and KEITH ESCHENBURG INC is providing this site and its contents on an “as is” basis and makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this site or its contents. Except as specifically stated on this site, neither BELEGENZA LLC and KEITH ESCHENBURG INC nor any of its directors, employees or other representatives will be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this site.
This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This (these) product(s) is(are) not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor is any growth claimed. Individual results may vary.
Intro to Men’s Hair Growth
Men’s hair loss is a common concern.
Male pattern hair loss is quite common.
Roughly two-thirds of men will experience hair loss by their 30’s.
And what a lot of YOUNG men are noticing is that they are thinning at a younger age than their parents and grandparents. (There are common reasons that are grossly overlooked…keep reading for answers.)
There are options available to slow hair loss and stimulate new hair growth, yet the market is so cluttered with false info and companies out to make a buck off of your fear with little or no results.
Prevention is the best way to manage and slow hair loss, but PROPER early intervention is the key.
It’s important to start a regimen once you start to notice your hair thinning, yet what wives’ tales and conventional thinking get you is minimal.
Hair loss only gets worse over time if you don’t start taking actions now to slow and prevent hair thinning.
5 Tips for Men’s Hair Growth
Prevention is one of the best approaches to managing your health.
All guys want to know how to prevent hair loss, even if he isn’t worried about losing his hair at this moment.
If there is ever a sign of something going on up there, it’s reassuring knowing that there are things that can be done to prevent and slow hair loss.
Some of the best prevention methods are:
1. Eat a nutrient-dense diet: It is important to take care of your body from the inside out. Your daily intake of protein is important because it provides the amino acids that makeup keratin, which is the building block of your hair. Lean meats, beans, fish, eggs, dairy, kale, and asparagus are great sources of protein. If you are vegan, there are choices, yet stay away from soy. Otherwise, when you see your hair falling, you won’t be able to say we didn’t warn you.
Healthy fats, such as coconut, olive, and flaxseed, provide your body with long-chain polyunsaturated fats and linoleic acids which are necessary for hair structure. Notice soy oil is NOT on the healthy list. Fruits and vegetables are essential to provide a variety of nutrients such as vitamin c, vitamin a, vitamin b5, vitamin b12, folate, zinc, and niacin. Inositol, which can be found in nuts, leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, and whole grains, helps improve the function of scalp cells. Avoid refined sugar as much as possible.
2. Avoid soy, corn syrup, and mercury(fish): Unfortunately, soy protein is responsible for phytohemagglutinin, which is a plastic-like complex that lodges in the finest capillaries of the body. Follicles have some of the finest capillaries as well as the retina of the eyes. Soy is used in everything from salad dressing, bread, and protein bars, to biofuel, to the ink that is printed in a book. You may think you don’t get any soy in your diet but think again. Baked goods, fried foods, gravies, sauces, low carb breads and foods, and even grilled foods from your favorite restaurant were probably coated with cooking oil (soy) to keep them from sticking to the grill.
Corn doesn’t exactly attack hair follicles, but many nutritionists will tell you that corn products disrupt so many metabolic processes and more, that your body will go into emergency mode again to get that disruptor out of the body or store it in the fat cells to not deal with it. With your body dealing with all the disruptors, there are minimal to no nutrients left to build hair or anchor that which is growing. Gluten-free eating has steered the unsuspecting public into corn based-gluten free prepared foods. YIKES! By the way, a dastardly additive is maltodextrin, which is corn-based.
Mercury is a disruptor of the body’s metabolic processes also and is not just in canned tuna. Watch out for swordfish, mackerel king, orange roughy, tuna, and even yellowtail. Got amalgam fillings in your teeth? That’s made with mercury.
3. Avoid substances that collect in or on your follicles: A few decades ago we worried about petroleum and mineral oil in hair products. But now, with “progress”, manufacturers have replaced those oils with silicones, acrylates, waxes, quaterniums, and plasticizers, which do wonders for making the hair look better. Also, if you are new to our method and philosophy, organic products typically contain silicone derivatives (the stuff caulk is made of) and may plug follicles and disrupt growth. Here’s a link to your free copy of the Silicone Derivative AVOID List.
4. Use gentle, natural, nourishing hair products: Only use gentle, nourishing, and chemical-free hair products to nourish your hair and scalp. It’s been shown that peppermint oil can promote hair growth. Also, rosemary oil has been traditionally used to increase blood flow to the scalp. Coconut oil, olive oil, and castor oil are all beneficial for hair growth too. To benefit from all of these natural remedies use Belegenza Natural Hair Care’s Men: Thin Hair Power Builder package or Hair Growth Power for Men package.
5. Scalp massage: Gently massage your scalp with the pads of your fingers for 4 minutes each day. This helps increase blood flow to your hair follicles and stimulates them. In a study of Japanese men, those that did this for 24 weeks had thicker hair at the end of the study.
Conclusion to 5 Tips for Men’s Hair Growth : 6 Months of Hair Growth Male
There are numerous treatments to help prevent and slow hair loss. Even if you are not worried at this moment about thinning hair, according to studies, it’s just a matter of time before your hair will thin. Once you start noticing increased hair shedding and thinning, the condition only gets worse over time if no action is taken. Prevention is the best way to manage issues, so it’s never too early to start taking action to prevent hair loss.
Doing everything possible today is quite an undertaking, yet 6 Months of Hair Growth Male can be taken slowly but surely.
Take one action per day. Today, print your FREE Guide, “12 Everyday Things Slowing Hair Growth: Hair Thinning Reversed.”
Minimize one of the SHOCKING Hair Thinners from your everyday routine.
Once you get used to that adjustment, minimize the next logical one.
To power hair growth at the same time, add 17 trusted hair growth factors already blended to perfection WITHOUT silicone, dimethicone, paba, parabens, acrylates, liquid plastics in hair gels, in GrowOUT!
Print your copy of silicone derivatives to AVOID that are smothering your follicles found in 93% of hair growth products on the market already!
By the way, did you know that you will receive Alan & Cheryl’s (founders and creators of Belegenza GrowOUT) private cell/text number with any Belegenza package?
What other company does this?
Only Belegenza, Alan & Cheryl!
Let’s face it.
You’re going to keep trying things.
It was hard enough to find Belegenza GrowOUT to begin with.
Don’t wait.
By waiting, you risk the loss of more hair.
By the time you FINALLY decide this is the best option that at least deserves a try, you probably won’t remember how to spell or find BELEGENZA.COM again! We realize we are hard to find…yet worth it.
AT worst case, bookmark this page so that each day as you count the hairs lost, you’ll be able to find us again when you’ve finally realized Belegenza GrowOUT is your best choice!
Of course, if you are like most powerful men who demand results, get started now.
You can always downgrade back to trying other products later.
Prove it to yourself before you lose another hair!
Take me to the Men's Power Hair Growth Package
Tags: 5 Tips for Men’s Hair Growth 6 Months of Hair Growth Male, 5 Tips for Men’s Hair Growth| 6 Months of Hair Growth Male , 5 Tips for Men’s Hair Growth | 6 Months of Hair Growth Male, silicone free, nasties free, best natural hair growth products for young men, 5 Tips for Men’s Hair Growth | 6 Months of Hair Growth Male