21 Days to Hair Growth Evidence: Best Hair Growth Products for Teens*
The good, the BAD, and the dangerous!
Hair loss is quite scary.
Panic occurs and then wanting to understand what’s happening and what you can do to stop it.
Alopecia has affected approximately 6.8 million people in the U.S. alone.
It occurs in males and females of all ages and race, but onset most often occurs in childhood and teenager-hood.
As a kid, it’s terrible, right?
But by the time you are a teen…YIKES… you have enough to deal with already, right?
Looking GREAT while you sort out hormones, puberty, relationships, school dynamics, how to win friends, and build your way to a future as one of those boring things called adults…
It all becomes more than enough to make you want to pull your hair out.
So, if you are losing hair at this early age….what on earth do you do?
The USUAL place to start is to listen to ads, commercials, and magazines focused on those boring things called adults.
WRONG… They’ve got issues that are real, but they are NOT the same as what a teen or child might be dealing with.
The right thing to do is to keep searching like you did to find THIS information.
By the end of this rather short blog, you will have the information that could slow down, or even eliminate the problems of hair loss in adults.
By the way, not only do we have customers who rave about us, we have a cousin, who realized what we were talking about long ago. His dad, our uncle started losing his hair in his 20’s. So, Brian, started using our GrowOUT Shampoo & Strengthener about 2005, to hopefully slow down the thinning. When you see him today, you would never guess that baldness is in his parents’ genetics! It even surprised us! His confidence is off the charts and is proud of his great hair….and us, his Belegenza cousins.. So, this is why we are so obsessed with making GrowOUT, and telling as many people as possible.
If you are a teen, listen up.
Be ready to share this with your parents or guardians so that they are confident that you are doing a good thing for yourself.
If you are a parent who is concerned for your precious child or teen, you are in the right place.
EVEN if hair loss, hair growth, are not a big deal today, we going to show you that you want Belegenza for your whole family when you see what and why we offer Belegenza Natural Hair Care.
Of course, you might say…. “Natural products are everywhere now. We’re good.”
NOPE… The labeling and legal classification for natural and organic products allows for silicone derivatives, hormone disrupters like phthalates, and don’t even get us going about fragrances that mess up a multitude of things besides hormone imbalances….
You might wonder… “What’s the big deal about silicones?”
WELL… Belegenza, (Brother Sister team, Alan & Cheryl, inventors and co-founders ) realized after Alan’s health disaster from silicone beauty products (story in and of itself..click here for more..) that there was a sinister hidden set of chemicals in salon and beauty products back in the 90’s. After losing his career, they set their minds to cleaning up the beauty industry, and the first thing to get eliminated was silicones. Belegenza was born after almost a decade of intense research and development.
So, if you’ve EVER heard of Silicone-FREE…. Alan & Cheryl started the Silicone-FREE Era for the beauty world.
We went even further… to continue for the past many years to create a complete NASTIES FREE line of hair care and skin care.
So, while you can go get what is called organic and natural products, you are still getting the garbage that was contributing to Alan’s career loss, and more from some of the most famous products.
Yes, even those at Targ*t, W*lMart, Seph*ra, you name it.
So, as you learn more about us, you will see why we are confident that you will be doing yourself and your family a favor by switching to Belegenza from ANYTHING you are using.
Then ….”Why haven’t I heard of you before?”
We are small town hicks from South Texas… who made it all the way to the world’s Elite crowds of hairstylists and down right snobby entitled celebrities and their little influencers, too.
We spent our life savings, mortgaged the home, closed down our salons, to afford making the products.
We also got ripped off by celebrities agents, and even the big brands who ran us to almost bankruptcy to get our secret proprietary ingredients.
We had no millions of dollars for commercials, ads in magazines, PR companies, nor Madison-Avenue-Genius-Marketing folks.
So, we still rely on the old-fashioned ways, like word of mouth, social media, blogging and our trusty obesessed customers, celebrities, and funny enough, the nurses of chemo patients who whisper our name into their ears. This is why we have such a niche of chemo, alopecia, and other types of issues as our obsessed customer base. (As a reminder. the * at the top is our legal disclaimer. We are not medical blah, blah blah.) Show this to your physician, parents, dogs, cats, …. whomever is in charge of YOUR health and wellbeing. Got it?
Now you’ve heard of us.
You still want to know some other stuff, though, right?
How’s this better?
Silicones in 93% of beauty products is the same type of stuff that is caulk. It’s a very liquid form of it. You know.. that white smushy stuff around the bottom of the toilet, and the bathtub or shower? It used to be all white, and it goes black really easy, even if you clean your shower tub or toilet pretty well. Gross Stuff.
This is in 93% of products today!
When this gets onto the lip of your hair follicle… where the hair comes out of the scalp… it smothers its natural abilities. In other words, while you hair might look pretty good and shiny, you are smothering your follicles…. As a teen, not so bad, but in the next few years, … you may have to kisss those hairs good bye …FOREVER.
So, just with this adjustment, we already will have impressed your hair… From there, your hair will let you know by looking better, thicker and fuller over the next few months, and you will be CERTAIN that Belegenza is right for you!
(By the way… this is enough, and I, Alan, am tired. So, I am thinking of stopping right here with our case for making YOUR hair better than ever…forever. So, I’m just going to line out a few more reasons and maybe later I’ll fill in the juicy details…. okay?)
Why we don’t use SLS or the new imitation replacements.
Why we don’t use the NASTIES ( What are the NASTIES anyway, click here).
Why don’t you use and drugs like Minoxidil or Finesteride? (YIKES….stay away from those, teens and women.)
Why we have not just one trusted hair growth ingredient but over 17 of them that are celebrated by hair growth experts worldwide!
Why the products seem a bit pricey. No cutting of corners, no fillers. Pure 17 extracts in a perfect silicone free base!
Why they are the safest for the family…. even babies and pets, too!
Okay, so here’s a wrap up…..
When you suffer from the auto-immune disease Alopecia areata your body attacks your own hair follicles and you lose patches of hair, typically from your scalp.
It definitely is an awful disease and one that can cause stress and depression in your life.
But, there is a solution to help while you grow back your hair, so long as you catch it in time.
Belegenza’s GrowOut Shampoo and GrowOut Scalp Energizing Spray are what you need to get your scalp back on track.
Oh… 21 Days to Evidence???? Here we go!
Due to hair cycles, most customers report short, new “pointed” hairs emerging, usually easily seen by day 21
and more.
Catagen Phase is the sleeping phase of a hair is a crucial phase.
When chemical silicones and impurities are lifted, these follicles seem to awaken sooner. You’ll see.
At a 23% sleep rate, this can be significant to people like you, who desire more hair!
Thanks for letting us show you just a few keys to why you want to stick with Belegenza if you are serious about keeping your hair as best as possible.
So, for more keys, make sure you download and print both of these FREE reports.
Remember, you hadn’t heard of us before, and you may forget our name if you don’t
take action now. With a copy in your pile of stuff, you can find us when you’ve realized you
gotta get started with Belegenza….
12 Everyday Things Thinning Hair – Thinning Reversed
Also, we’d be happy to help you with our 2 minute evaluation. Click below now so we can more easily help you right away.
Take me to the Hair Growth after Chemo Package
Your Favorite Hair Growth for All Ages Natural Product Makers,
Alan & Cheryl
P.S. If you are not ready yet, we understand. We didn’t give you enough of the information you need to feel confident that you are making the right choice to buy Belegenza…yet. So, if you want a shortcut to your answers, tap an email to us now, at customersupport@belegenza.wp10.staging-site.io Give us about 24 hours to get back with you. If you don’t get a reply, check your spam folder! Rather call or text? 1-844-476-9688
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21 Days to Hair Growth Evidence: Best Hair Growth Products for Teens
tags: 21 Days to Hair Growth Evidence: Best Hair Growth Products for Teens, Hair growth products for teens, best hair growth products, best hair products. best hair growth shampoo, 202102131616,