Foods that Can Make your Hair Thin and Fall out!
Foods are supposed to be the building blocks for hair, right?
Not the wrong ones!
We’ve been talking about this for 3 decades, now and FINALLY some of the main media are starting to talk about it.
BUT, they’ve left out the most important parts.
In a recent article we found on our popular browser page, (no names of authors so they don’t get embarrassed or worse yet get mad at us for outing their lack of education on the matter.)
We’re going to dispell these STATEMENTS that they want you to believe, which are NOT necessarily true, but sound like it.
Beauty starts within.
Hair loss is normal as we age
It might have to do with your diet
Greasy foods and beautiful hair don’t go hand in hand, like fried chicken
Because your scalp releases sebum, a substance that helps keep the skin moisturized but can also turn greasy from the consumption of oily foods
On top of that diets rich in saturated and monounsaturated fats may increase levels of testosterone, which creates dihydrotestosterone, an androgen and hormone linked to alopecia (the autimmune disorder that causes your hair to fall out)
Diet Sodas: ..usually contain aspartame, and artificial sweetner that can cause Hair loss and thinning hair, according to the F*D*A.
Mecury: High mercury levels have been linked to sudden hair loss. Swordfish and mackerel are espcially rich in mercury, as are some variteies of tuna (canned light tuna is low in mercury).
High-gluycemic foods: Starchy foods with a high bycemic index like refined pasta, white breads and cakes cause insulin spikes in the body…increase androgen levels, which can shrink your hair follicles, leading to a thinner, mmore brittle texture & more hair fallout.
Salty foods: cause hair loss. When excess sodium retains around the follicles, it blocks absorption of nutrients. Be sure to limit salt & get enough potassium, which is essential for hair growth.
While surgary foods are not directly linked to hair fall/hair loss, sugar causes inflammation and makes blood sugar spike…On top of that, if you acquire insulin resistance, it can lead to balding for both men & women.
Alcohol: not directly linked to hair loss, too much contributes to nutritional deficiencies that can lead to hair loss. Alcohol is dehydrating thus drying your skin and scalp. Overly dry scalps may leave hair brittle & more likely to fall out or break, may lead to zinc, biotin & copper deficiencies.
Let’s add some more meat to these claims and quasi accurate concepts.
1.Beauty starts within. Usually heard as a fairy-tale, do-gooder thing that thinking nice things will generate your beauty. Well, we know some AWFUL beauties from our work backstage and in Hollywood, so that only goes so far. Without all that external makeup, extensions, Spanx, prosthetics, plastic surgery, nips, tucks, sucks and all, they are ugly through and through. So, it may START within, but it also ends within so long as they have their magicians covering it all up. The real accurate thing to look at is… the foods, nutrition and pure water that goes within a body, through the MOUTH to build healthy hair, scalp, skin and nails.
2. Hair Loss is normal as we age. It’s more like AVERAGE. Average folks do the things that average people do who are told by average so-called experts, and average results are gotten. We traffic with extraordinary. We have take care of generations of families and their siblings and cousins. The ones who take care of within with extra attention on appropriate foods, nutrition and pure water, are OBVIOUSLY younger looking and have better hair thickness and quality, with almost NO thinning compared to their aging siblings and family members. So, if you want to call it NORMAL to have hair loss, this is certainly the time you want to be ABnormal and certainly NOT average.
- It might have to do with your diet. Finally a possibly completely true statement!
- Greasy fried foods and beautiful hair don’t go hand in hand. On one hand, most fried foods are done in SOY oil and once soy enters the picture, hair is compromised and will definitely have a hard time looking good or even staying on your head. (more about that, here…12 Everyday Things Slowing Hair Growth). And if you think you’re not getting soy, look at your favorite HIGH priced specialty and cheapo Salad dressings, sauces and baked goods. They’ve snuck soy into every class of foods, including ORGANIC. (Aren’t you happy you are getting ORGANIC poison on a daily basis)?
On the other hand, what if you fry your organic chicken without breading in olive oil? Tell us those Italian women and men of yester-year didn’t have gorgeous THICK shiny hair til they kicked the “chicken” bucket!
- Because your scalp releases sebum, a substance that helps keep the skin moisturized but can also turn greasy from the consumption of oily foods. This sentence is an editor’s nightmare that made it to print..Yes, we copied just what it said. Sebum, greasy, oily…..I think this was a sale on words from the thesaurus. Sebum turns greasy because of oily foods? MOSTLY, sebum “release” is due to aggravation from high pH products, dandruff shampoos, silicone residue, acrylate (the fancy name for gel-plastics to make hair stiff), hair spray overcoats, and yeast overgrowth on the scalp! The scalp is telling you that it’s trying to get those poisons OFF the scalp by excreting your naturally generated fatty acids to break that stuff down and get it away from your scalp and follicles! Coming up… few things, like starchy and sugary foods are really the culprits….let’s continue!
- On top of that diets rich in saturated and monounsaturated fats may increase levels of testosterone, which creates dihydrotestosterone, an androgen and hormone linked to alopecia (the autimmune disorder that causes your hair to fall out) This is a combination of concepts made to sound authoritative and is simplified to non-sense. Without boring you with all the editorial and ENGLISH double-speak. Here’s what is what you want to know. Increased FREE-testosterone can bind to the follicle receptor sites to shut down hair on the scalp follicles, and also attach onto other hair follicles making them BIG hairs…(guys? you know….thin on the top and plenty of new hairs on your shoulders and back. Ladies? That moustache that’s appearing?) Keep your master hormones in check & keep that balanced! By the way, when you take the whole picture we are painting here for you into account, your hair growth is certainly going to improve.
- Diet Sodas: ..usually contain aspartame, and artificial sweetner that can cause Hair loss and thinning hair, according to the F*D*A. Hard to believe that they are telling the truth on this one. BUT, one step further, is that the Sucralose, which is supposed to be “better,” is actually chlorinated sugar. When was the last time you heard that chlorine was a good thing. It kills bacteria, viruses, etc. Drinking chlorinated sugar just doesn’t seem like a good idea, now does it?
- Mecury: High mercury levels have been linked to sudden hair loss. Swordfish and mackerel are espcially rich in mercury, as are some variteies of tuna (canned light tuna is low in mercury). This has us thinking…. low levels of arsenic willl take longer to kill humans than a full dose, so just have small doses of the fatal poison, and remember, it’s natural and even organic in apple seeds. Besides the countless parasites associated with sashimi and sushi, try asking your Sushi Chef the levels of mercury in his FRESH fish each time. Nothing like expensive, chic ways to go bald!
- High-glycemic foods: Starchy foods with a high glycemic index like refined pasta, white breads and cakes cause insulin spikes in the body…increase androgen levels, which can shrink your hair follicles, leading to a thinner, more brittle texture & more hair fallout. Oye. we’re running out for donuts after this runny run-on non-sense. High or low glycemic, your body needs an array of nutrition, and insulin to process starches, flour and sugars. If you’re not tanked up on those things, that makes this sentence more accurate in that it will rob your follicles of the nutrition needed to build healthy hair. Corn syrup is even more dastardly at wrecking any semblance of nutrient processing protocol. Though androgen levels may be affected, the real culprit lies in the bowel, where countless BAD bacteria are feasting on those sugary things. The grossest part is that those bacteria make their OWN poop, too. Yes, right into your lower bowel which gets processed out somehow….can you say candida on the scalp? Can you say acne? EEWH.
- Salty foods: cause hair loss. When excess sodium retains around the follicles, it blocks absorption of nutrients. Be sure to limit salt & get enough potassium, which is essential for hair growth. Yes and no. Sea salt is an array of MOST minerals. Sodium Chloride (table salt and cheap stuff used in prepared foods even when they label it sea salted) is ONE part of all the minerals. And, yes, it causes imbalance. Water collects to try to rinse it away, but bloating is a thing we like to blame on menstrual cycles and soy sauce. A full balance of minerals is needed. Without it, you’ve heard of high-blood pressure? Tight or over pressurized blood vessels cannot deliver a full payload of nutrition to your hair follicles. Add a cap, wig or hat to crimp the blood supply a bit more and you’ll need caps, wigs and hats to cover up your bald head eventually! Not all salts are the same. At least switch to sea salt to start your mineral balance recovery!
- While surgary foods are not directly linked to hair fall/hair loss, sugar causes inflammation and makes blood sugar spike…On top of that, if you acquire insulin resistance, it can lead to balding for both men & women. In our opinion, they should be linked directly. But, as you know we are NOT physicians nor medical, so we disclaim any and all things that can be miscontrued as such. (more disclaimers at the bottom of this blog). If we want sweet, we stay away from corn syrup for sure. Cane sugar is next in line, and molasses is a top choice, because it has all the minerals left in it from the sugar cane! (Another topic for another time!)
- Alcohol: not directly linked to hair loss, too much contributes to nutritional deficiencies that can lead to hair loss. Alcohol is dehydrating thus drying your skin and scalp. Overly dry scalps may leave hair brittle & more likely to fall out or break, may lead to zinc, bitin & copper deficiencies. New studies are finding that very small amounts of alcohol (1 TBSP per day of liquor) may be beneficial in stimulating the liver. The liver tries to eliminate that alcohol, and ends up rejuventing itself. Plus a clean liver cleans your complete blood supply! It has been said by these scientists, that no alcohol per day or more than aforementioned is bad. So, that noise about antioxidants in 2 glasses of wine per day is coverup for making you think it’s good for you. Eat some berries, instead. Of course, we realize we have lost most of you who drink. If you manage the other things, the alcohol effects just may work themselves out. And, as we’ve been told before…..”If I don’t have a few drinks, I might just PULL all my hair out from the stress, so what’s the difference! LOL!”
Remember, a subtle turn on the freeway can take you a whole new direction. So, just be aware of the topics here, and make a few small adjustments. You’ll see.
Your Favorite Brother/Sister Hair Growth Foodie Experts,
Alan & Cheryl
Thanks to the writer of the original article about hair growth. You gave us some awesome “bones’ for this blog for hair growth!
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12 Foods & Everyday Things Slowing Hair Growth
12 Foods & Everyday Things Slowing Hair Growth
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