
Pumpkin Seed Hair Benefits

pumpkin seed hair benefits

Pumpkin Seed Hair Benefits*   The color orange represents fire, sun, fun, warmth and tropical surroundings. Did you know that eating taking too much Vitamin A can lead to orange skin? Vitamin A, also known as Beta Carotene can be found in abundance in carrots and pumpkins! When it comes to Pumpkins, it’s not just […]

Zinc and Hair Loss : Zinc and Hair : Low Zinc Hair Loss

zinc and hair loss, zinc and hair, low zinc hair loss

Zinc and Hair Loss : Zinc and Hair : Low Zinc Hair Loss* Zinc is making a lot of headline news these days for many reasons. Decades ago, when I was in beauty school, I learned about zinc lozenges. I was told it would keep me from getting a cold or sore throat and such.  […]