
Zinc and Hair Loss : Zinc and Hair : Low Zinc Hair Loss*

Zinc is making a lot of headline news these days for many reasons.

Decades ago, when I was in beauty school, I learned about zinc lozenges. I was told it would keep me from getting a cold or sore throat and such.  It came in handy in the next few years as I made my way as a performer on stages as a Guest Artist for the top manufacturers!  I depended on having a clear voice every weekend for the audiences, and I loved zinc lozenges.

Little did I know at that point, was that I had been supplementing zinc quite nicely from one of my favorite seafoods…

zinc and hair loss, zinc and hair, low zinc hair loss
Delicious Oyster may provide the missing magic to hair growth!

Having grown up in South Texas, near the Gulf Coast, fresh oysters were kind of a “normal” food.

Of course, when I was really young, I thought they were slimy and gross, but you know how things change….

Once I discovered Tabasco Sauce, Cocktail Sauce, Lemon wedges and all the tricks to cut the funky taste, they became quite good!

I also was intrigued with finding the little pearls inside as well!  So, maybe it was my own self-hypnosis that had me train myself into thinking they are delicious.

Little did I know that maybe the zinc in those oysters were making my hair grow so fast!

Well, whether YOU like them or not, there are so many ways to get a good supply of zinc, which may be the missing
magic you need for your hair growth!

Zinc and hair loss is a real thing.
But finding that zinc is the THE THING is not so easy—meaning
there has been so little attention on zinc for such a long time, you just may not
be getting enough. 

Now that more people are talking about zinc to ward off colds, viruses and the like,
some people may be seeing their
hair growth improving and have no idea why!

So, don’t worry. 

If you are deficient in zinc, and you don’t LOVE oysters, it’s okay.
Just get some of your favorite zinc lozenges!  These may just be the thing that handles low zinc hair loss!
Of course, try to get the ones with NO corn syrup & no soy.  And, for the record,
those new gummies are laden with Tapioca Starch which will trigger your insulin, and that leads to fat storage!

By the way, we did another blog about oysters, libido, and sperm production and fine hair.  Here’s that link, in case you are wondering…

Some side benefits can include the above as well as stronger nails, hair, lashes, and brows.

So, pick your favorite zinc supply and
enjoy all the side benefits.

And, as you know, we’re always “playing every ACE,”
to help you 
get better hair and hair growth. 

So, before you order a couple dozen oysters on the half shell for take-out tonight to help with your zinc and hair loss concerns,
be sure you’ve added over 17 trusted ingredients we’ve put together in our
Belegenza GrowOUT recipe!

Your follicles will LOVE the taste for sure! 

They will reward you with greater hair and hair growth! 

I want to take the FREE "2 Minute Hair Evaluation," now!


Zinc and hair loss, Benefits of Omega 3 on Hair, hair growth, best products for hair growth after chemo, best natural hair products
Directors’ Chairs!! Cheryl and Alan on location with Rizzoli & Isles!!!

Your Favorite Brother Sister Zinc and Hair Growth Experts,


Alan & Cheryl

Free information about everyday foods NOT to eat if you want your best hair growth possible.
Click here for free access to 12 everyday things slowing hair growth.


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*Information on this site is provided for informational & entertainment purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional.
The results reported may not necessarily occur in all individuals.

BELEGENZA LLC and KEITH ESCHENBURG INC is providing this site and its contents on an “as is” basis and makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this site or its contents. Except as specifically stated on this site, neither BELEGENZA LLC and KEITH ESCHENBURG INC nor any of its directors, employees or other representatives will be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this site.

This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This (these) product(s) is(are) not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor is any growth claimed. Individual results may vary.

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Fine hair? Tinted? Indescribable damage?
If you have found yourself on the “TRY ANYTHING” wheel, it may be that silicone and synthetic products just can’t quite cover up the damage that has accumulated coupled with hormonal influences on the hair’s natural processes.   As Belegenza begins to purify your hair from these slick cover-ups, the true damage may be revealed and for the first few applications, your hair may tangle, feel dry or more brittle.  This is temporary, as the micro-conditioning agents make their way INTO the damage sites.  Keep going.  It’s temporary, and you’ll be glad you did! Not only that, we’re here to assist you through the process.  You can always start the conversation with “Alan-bot” who should have already popped up to help!

Zinc and Hair Loss : Zinc and Hair : Low Zinc Hair Loss*


tags: Zinc and Hair Loss, Zinc and Hair, Low Zinc Hair Loss, Zinc and hair growth, 20210313, fine hair growth, faster hair growth, how to grow hair faster, zinc and hair loss

Zinc and hair, Low Zinc Hair Loss