
Menopause Hair Loss : 3 Tips to Better Hair NOW

Menopause Hair Loss

Menopause Hair Loss

Menopause is a time of great change for women. For some it’s welcome and others it’s considered a milestone not wanted.
The first phase is often a period of rapid hair loss, accompanied by mood swings and fatigue.
Many women get upset when people say that their attitudes and moods are just “menopausal hormonal issue” skirting on craziness.
As we learned from Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw, authors of Life Extension a Practical Scientific Approach,  thinking can be altered one of two ways on the 2 way street of brain chemistry. If you change the chemistery (food & drink) you will change the thoughts you have, and if you change your thoughts you will call forth the need for new chemistry (food & drink). 
So, the easiest way to explain this, is alcohol. Drink it and many think they sing better! LOL! Versus going into a focused concentration to do a great job (writing a book, training for sports competition) has you craving no alcohol, but healthy, nutritious foods and drink to keep you focused. 
So, rather than being offended by snide remarks of others about your attitude, give them a break and yourself a break. Your hormones will have you thinking differently from time to time. So what! Relax. Let them have their opinion and move on to something more important to you. 
From an evolutionary standpoint, the first phase of menopause can be viewed as a deadly disease that can affect your ability to protect your family and reproductive success. It’s just a reset from being a possible child bearing woman, you are moving to the next phase of being a woman. Again, relax. 
In this post we’re going to give  you 3 tips on how you can help yourself in the first phase of menopause.
When you’re struggling with hair loss, it’s easy to think about all the times that your hair wasn’t perfect. 
But those are just fleeting moments that probably didn’t cost you horribly. Of course, maybe you didn’t feel like you looked amazing and it stole some of your presence. BUT it probably didn’t cause a lifetime of suffering or problems.
Nevertheless, in the ages of 55 and 65, if you’ve placed your lifetime value on your youth and looks, menopause can all of a sudden do a number on your thoughts about yourself.
And that’s not counting other issues like stress or hormone imbalance or other medical conditions or nutrition changes which may also contribute to hair loss.
If you’re concerned about your health, it is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any changes that would affect your hormones or overall health and might reduce menopause hair loss.
In the meantime, here are three tips about how to help yourself in the first phase of menopause:
Try natural products: You may feel guilty using natural products when you go through menopause, but there are some who swear by them! If you want to use natural products, go with something that truly is natural and not a version of a natural product. Conventional natural products lean one or two ways. Silicone-based (not good for follicles) formulas with a dash of the latest trendy oil, like Moroccan oil or Tea Tree Oil, etc.
A completely natural formula with coconut, shea, sunflower, soy, Vitamin E oil, all of which are just molecularly too big and weigh the hair down and clog the follicles…. thus smothering you hair growth. 
==>Wouldn’t it be great to find something that meets in the middle and you don’t have to compromise? 
==>Wouldn’t you love to have hair that responds and performs all the time? 
==>Wouldn’t you love to have complete confidence in the safety of the product for your hair and follicles. 
==>What if you found a silicone-free, nasties-free product that outperforms the most expensive  and sought after products in the world? 
Wouldn’t you want that

Menopause Hair Loss

Menopause Hair Loss


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Alan & Cheryl

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Cheryl & Alan on the set of Rizzoli & Isles

tags: Menopause Hair Loss, Silicone Free, Best Natural Hair Care for menopause hair loss, Menopause Hair Loss

Menopause Hair Loss

OFFICIAL Guide to Hair Growth

Menopause and Hair Growth EXPOSED: Lose the Fear of Hair Loss

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Definitive Guide Before, During & After Menopause Hair Loss & Hair Growth


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Menopause Hair Loss

FREE of  “the nasties!”

What are the nasties?

  • salt
  • gluten
  • fillers
  • silicones
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  • phthalates
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Fine hair? Tinted? Indescribable damage?  If you have found yourself on the “TRY ANYTHING” wheel, it may be that silicone and synthetic products just can’t quite cover up the damage that has accumulated coupled with hormonal influences on the hair’s natural processes.   As Belegenza begins to purify your hair from these slick cover-ups, the true damage may be revealed and for the first few applications, your hair may tangle, feel dry or more brittle.  This is temporary, as the micro-conditioning agents make their way INTO the damage sites.  Keep going.  It’s temporary, and you’ll be glad you did! Not only that, we’re here to assist you through the process.  You can always start the conversation with “Alan-bot” who should have already popped up to help! If not, feel free to contact us at .

Success Stories

I'm a living example of how beautiful your hair can be after menopause with your products. Sometimes I look at it on my zoom meetings especially when the light from my high third floor window catching the highlights. Dude I just turned 64. It's not supposed to look like that shiny beautiful color healthy.
Jan B.
I discovered your product by researching hair products for salt-&-pepper very dry hair. After reading the rave reviews, I concluded they must be fabricated because they were so glowing. But, being desperate to find an effective product, I took a chance and ordered the travel size of the Illustrious 1 shampoo and Romance 2 conditioner. After only a couple of uses, my hair was transformed from it’s dull, dry, straw-like texture to it’s former bounce and shine. Truly amazing. I loved it so much I ordered the full sizes and added the SpotLite Shine. LOVED those so much, my next order was for the professional sizes plus the Virginity leave-in conditioner. At the risk of sounding like those other reviews that I thought were fake, I absolutely LOVE these products. Please consider this a thank you note for rescuing my hai
Donna R.
Office Manager
I'm writing to congratulate you on your most informative new book: "Menopause and Hair Growth Exposed!". What a concise and very easy to understand compilation of all that anyone would need to know in order to begin or continue in a journey to more and healthy hair. I'm a molecular biologist, and obviously found your book practically a Bible of information that would convince anyone to use your safe/healthy products to enhance her hair! Of course, this book was written for women, but surely men would also be aided by your products and I am happy to see that you are writing another book specific to the male audience. A tip of the hat, wait, no need to think about wearing a hat, with Belegenza awesome hair products. Thank you for your allegiance to all of us, Sheila Johnstone"
Sheila Johnstone
Molecular Biologist


*Information on this site is provided for informational & entertainment purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional.

The results reported may not necessarily occur in all individuals.

BELEGENZA LLC and KEITH ESCHENBURG INC is providing this site and its contents on an “as is” basis and makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this site or its contents. Except as specifically stated on this site, neither BELEGENZA LLC and KEITH ESCHENBURG INC nor any of its directors, employees or other representatives will be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this site.

This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This (these) product(s) is(are) not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor is any growth claimed. Individual results may vary.