
Natural in this context means:

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Chemical Free Natural Hair!

Natural curl and/or Chemical Relaxer-free hair!

Yes, it is an honor and pleasure to have Sojourner McBride step up out of her full self-expression to give women access to making the transition from chemical relax (-ed) hair to natural hair, and love the process.  She says it all in her philosophy!    And, yes, she wrote this from her heart and experience as you will see, and it is helping women with something that we, Cheryl and I, cannot speak.  Yes, I, Alan, have naturally curly hair, and no amount of speaking about my experience can touch the real challenges that face women ( and men ) of seriously curly hair!   Sojourner, though, with her seriously curly hair, tells about her journey from relaxed, broken, dry and out of control hair to her now luscious curls that represent her personality…a powerful, fully self-expressed woman!

Don’t take our word for it… Let Sojourner of Belegenza Westchester tell you her story and let her guide you through your  journey from fabulous to “better than fabulous!”


Feel free to ask her loads of questions, and you can order directly from her site!

Thank you, Sojourner, for extending yourself in service to those with curly hair who desire healthy hair!
