
Intro to Vitamin D Deficiency: How Long After Chemo Does Hair Grow Back

It takes time for the chemo drugs to be detoxified from your body once you have received your last chemotherapy treatment. One of the top questions is “How Long After Chemo Does Hair Grow Back?”

Well, let’s back up a bit and give some clarity on some of the things to consider about WHY hair loss is happening to begin with–then we’ll fill in the blanks to give you some head start to hair growth and How Long After Chemo Does Hair Grow Back. Then, when this is understood, you will be more equipped to figure out what actually how you can affect your hair GROWTH during a common hair LOSS period!

It may be a combination of many factors that has hair growing back during chemo, so keep reading and though the information may seem clumsy, it will all snap together for you…

For those who’ve lost all their hair, or have shaved off what was remaining, will not necessarily see your hair growth that is taking place deep in the follicles. 

Hair Regrowth Stages of Hair Growth After Chemo will make themselves obvious in a few weeks after the very last chemotherapy treatment, so long as the stage is set properly. Realize that the follicles begin their hair “construction” deep in the follicles and can take a few weeks to emerge through the scalp surface.

So, just because you don’t see the hair immediately doesn’t mean it’s not growing.

Nevertheless….. this time is CRITICALLY important in your hair growth efforts and by not doing the right things from the get-go, can jeopardize your long-term hair growth and quality! The initial Critical 68-Day Window After Chemotherapy Hair Loss 68-day window is crucial!

Some will begin seeing some thin, fuzzy hair several weeks after their last treatment. This can happen from a completely bald state, or if you’ve not lost all your hair, you will see this growth throughout the scalp!

How quickly your hair grows back varies from person to person.

But how and why can this be?

It depends on the scalp condition. 

It depends on what is being ‘fed’ to the follicles, whether nutrition or cancer killing chemotherapy.

So, what you are using and putting on your scalp affects hair loss and hair growth.

The immediate 68 days after the last chemotherapy treatment is critical. It is when the chemo is no longer being administered so as to kill rapidly dividing cells (cancer tissues) and when the body is detoxing itself from the chemotherapy. 

What you do to help detox and what you allow on your scalp and follicles can make the critical difference between good results, excellent results, or permanent follicle shutdown….thus permanent hair loss.

As a reminder, the reason hair loss is so common, is because the chemotherapy drugs attack and kill rapidly dividing cells.  Cancer tissue is considered this category—rapidly dividing cells.

Unfortunately, chemotherapy doesn’t know the difference between the cancer tissue and hair follicles. Hair cells, too, are rapidly dividing cells and this is why hair loss is so common with chemotherapy.

So, it stands to reason, that if the follicles are not getting a lethal (to the follicles) dose of chemo, they can keep growing hair. 

Also, if there is a full array of nutrition and building blocks for those follicles, it also can allow for the follicles to continue doing as usual…growing hair! 

So, the real question becomes, “What are the things I can do to keep my current hair from falling, what can I do to supply the follicles all they need, and what can I use on my scalp to hold the current hairs on my head, and also, how to encourage the growth of the other follicles as soon as possible?” 

And, before we go any further, we must tell you we are not medical professionals, nor are we giving any medical advice. HOWEVER, by the end of this article, because of the straightforward information  coming up, you will understand more about hair growth, because that’s our specialty at Belegenza, and we’ve assisted countless people with GREAT results.

Like any other part of our body, our hair needs a variety of nutrients to be healthy and grow. Vitamin D is one of the important nutrients for healthy hair.

Vitamin D metabolizes keratinocytes in the skin. Keratinocytes are skin cells that process keratin, a protein in hair, nails, and skin. When the body is deficient in vitamin D, then the keratinocytes in the hair follicles can’t regulate hair growth and shedding properly; leading to slow growth and increased shedding.

Vitamin D Deficiency: How Long After Chemo Does Hair Grow Back

Those with a deficiency in vitamin D may have no symptoms, or their symptoms may be nonspecific and change over time. It’s important to note, that we are not medical professionals, so we don’t give any medical advice or make claims. It’s best to have your doctor do a blood test to check your vitamin D levels.

A lack of sunlight or not eating enough foods containing vitamin D are the common causes of a deficiency. Of course, those suffering from an underlying condition such as Crohn’s disease or Celiac disease may be deficient because they prevent the body from completely absorbing nutrients.

There are certain medications that cause the body to break down vitamin D before it can be used, so those medications may cause a deficiency in vitamin D. Some of those medications are antifungals, glucocorticoids, HIV medications, and anticonvulsants.

Supplementing with vitamin D supplements could help if you are lacking vitamin D.

Conclusion to Vitamin D Deficiency: How Long After Chemo Does Hair Grow Back

The best defense against hair loss is eating foods rich in vitamin D and spending 15-20 minutes outside per day.

Vitamin D Deficiency: Hair Regrowth Stages of Hair Growth After Chemo can be improved with attention to your diet. It is a great idea to eat the flesh of fatty fish (such as trout, salmon, tuna, and mackerel) and fish liver oils given they are among the best sources of vitamin D.

By adding a vitamin D supplement to your routine  you can support your Vitamin D intake goal as well.

Supplements come in various forms. Some are taken daily, once a week, or once a month.

It’s important to have your doctor do a blood test to check your vitamin D levels.

If your levels are low, then your doctor will do a blood test every few months to monitor your vitamin D levels.

A lack of vitamin D can leave hair sparse and increases brittleness which requires gentle treatment so you don’t experience further hair loss and breakage.

To ensure you are growing your best hair possible,
you must use gentle, natural, and nourishing hair care products.
like Belegenza Natural Hair Care.

Make sure what products you choose are SLS (sodium laurel sulfate) free and chemical-free and nasties free. AND most importantly, like all Belegenza products, be sure you avoid silicone and its dastardly derivatives that can seep down into the follicle to choke the hair growth and disrupt the anchoring molecules of the hair.
Be sure to PRINT “12 Everyday Things Slowing Hair Growth: Thinning Hair ReversalFREE info.

Belegenza Natural Hair Care has taken the guesswork out of which hair care
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Belegenza continuously researches & uses ingredients that
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Check out the Restore Hair: Dry, Brittle, Split Ends | Made Flexible Again! package for your hair and scalp needs.

Healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp!

By the way, did you know that with your order, you get personal access to Alan & Cheryl, creators of Belegenza?  You’ll receive their phone/text number for private conversations so that
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