Cheryl and I had a blast with the oh-so-talented Carla Farmer, represented by Criterion-Group, personal hairstylist to the gorgeous Angie Harmon, of Rizzoli and Isles, and her jointly agreed “on the set husband” Mark Bautista, who is Angie’s makeup artist!

Both dedicated and loyal members of the Local 706, the exclusive union guild of Hollywood, they welcomed us on location to talk hair and makeup! Of course, we can’t speak of everything that was said in the hair and makeup trailer, out of respect and also, out of sheer legality, we CAN tell you that we almost wet ourselves when Bruce McGill , known as Vince Korsak stepped into the van and sat just in front of us on our way from base camp to lunch! At first we thought that Carla and Mark had overstepped by simply inviting us to ride to lunch, and certainly never expected it would be in the same vehicle wih Bruce, (by the way, from San Antonio, originally) ! Then, Angie opens the van passenger door, and gets in, and both Cheryl and I were wishing we had worn Depends diapers! WE rode with Bruce and Angie during their working hours ….TO LUNCH!!! We tried our best to carry on light conversations with our awesome hosts, Carla and Mark, and other crew members. Mostly, though we watched from behind how stars carry on during their off camera times, and it was impressive! To me, I simply thought they were “staying in character,” yet as we approached the unbelievable lunch spread (which was so delicious and HUGE) Angie and Bruce acted like everyone on the set….kind, friendly, and most of all..ego-less. They lead the way to the food, but as soon as Angie turned around, and saw Cheryl, Angie locked eyes with Cheryl, and introduced herself, and welcomed her and even complimented Cheryl’s eyes! At the same time, Carla began to introduce Cheryl and me, and Angie was either truly delighted to meet us, or really is the best actress EVER!! We were melting!!! By this time, we had all gathered heaping helpings of gourmet delights, and loaded back onto the van for our ride all together back to base camp (where all the star trailers, hair/makeup trailers and such) are located when on location!
So, at this time we thought we had already been to heaven, but then as we ate and shared more hair and makeup stories, we learned more about Carla’s and Mark’s climb to success within the entertainment world. The humble nature they “live outloud” is kind of a disconnect. Humble is usually quiet, yet they are SO humble and ego-less, that it is loud! Mark called it being a dork. He gets so excited about things, and when he does, he lets it rip. So

when he works with or sees a celebrity, he admits, that he lets them know he’s excited about them! Carla, acting like she’s just a bit embarrassed of how he’s acting, smiles “deeply” and then eggs him on with a little “you oughta stop” comment that really means….”keep on, because you are so right!” They both giggle at each other and ultimately at themselves, knowing that they LOVE their lives, their work and each other! It’s no wonder they talk about each other as their “on the set spouse!” Of the many conversations, we all agreed at one point that “fell out” as the theme. We were asking what is the hardest part of their jobs. They went down the same tunnel quickly….working with difficult and controlling makeup artists and hairstylists! It was quickly told that they were so happy with the Rizzoli and Isles team because it had always been such a great team to work with and though this is the last season, they were certain that they will find yet another real “team” to work with on the next show…whatever it may be. As we discussed working with other “ultimate” hairstylists and makeup artists, we agreed that the bests of the best seemed to rather undramatically do their jobs. No drama, no insecurity…..just did hair and makeup and did it well and had some fun doing it. Much like watching Angie and Bruce between takes and on breaks…they simply played the characters to perfection, treated others with respect and were simply great with everyone around them, including us! As we talked about it a bit more, we agreed that those, in our experience, who were ‘snarly’ to work with, might have been covering up their own insecurities with bravado, or drama to keep from being found out that they might be feeling inadequate in this super talented world.
Whether our analysis was accurate or not, we certainly agreed and hold true that experts may not know everything, but that they stay humble so as to discover an answer for any given situation that will provide the results needed in that situation! This wrapped it up for us, and we were happier than having been to Disneyland! As Cheryl and I thought we had overstayed our welcome, Carla and Mark directed us to fold our chairs and get in the van….. “We going to the set, to film the next scene! Grab a bottle of water, too! Let’s go!”
So, we did… yes, ride again with Bruce and Angie, Carla and Mark, Denise Dellavalle (Sasha Alexander’s personal makeup artist) and the whole makeup and hair team to watch them film a scene, directed by the genius, Sasha !!!! Can’t wait to see the episode, and you can ask all you want, but we will not tell you what we saw until AFTER that episode airs!! Stay tuned with us, and remember to watch the final season of Rizzoli and Isles on TNT!
To be continued!
Alan & Cheryl
P.S. Narbeh Nazarian, who is P/A, was our host, and we owe him a special thanks for making us feel at home with the Rizzoli and Isles family!