Alan And Cheryl,
Absolutely Loved my washing experience! Here’s what I liked/noticed….
GrowOut Shampoo – Loved the smell and tingle! Clarified my hair without totally stripping it…minimal shrinkage. My scalp still feels energized…..
Romance – Total hydration! Didn’t have to leave it on long to see/feel a difference
Encore – As expected. I was impressed with this on dry hair…using this on wet hair was a dream!
Perform /Virginity/Spotlight – I mixed a few together in different sections and got slightly different results….all good though. I like that Perform is not sticky/gummy or flakey…..a definite keeper! I like that Spotlight is not heavy or too greasy….a definite keeper. I have to be careful with Virginity…..not to use too much.
I put my hair up in twists after washing and noticed my roots were less puffy and felt very well conditioned and very soft and light. The major thing I noticed was the lack of tangling….detangling was a breeze! I didn’t have time to do a blow out….but I can tell it’s going to be “off the chain”! Planning to do a blow out next week in time for the holidays…will update you on the results……
Till then, Happy Holidays to you, your family and staff,
B. H., Colorado