
It’s easy to reach for a pill to solve our problems these days.
Whether we take them for allergies, for health, including mental health, for headaches, or for sickness it is just a simple fix.
But the truth about drugs is they do have many side effects. One such side effect no one wants to deal with is hair loss.
Meds that can cause hair loss are antibiotics, antidepressants, and blood pressure medications.
Many celebs have been open about their mental health and their taking of antidepressants such as Brooke Shields and Chrissy Teigen. Both have taken antidepressants for post partum depression.
So while many medications have benefits, they also can cause you problems as just mentioned. If possible, pass on the med and find another way. This may not always be possible, but isn’t it worth the thought?
If you must take the med/meds then be sure to have  GrowOut Scalp Energizing Spray by Belegenza in your bathroom cabinet.
With its 17 trusted and proven ingredients it will
feed your follicles exactly what they need in abundance so you can watch the magic of your follicle doing what it does best
— grow hair!

If you’re out for maximum results, detox your follicles, and keep them clean with perfect styling products found in packages by Belegenza. 

With your package, you willl also receive Alan & Cheryl’s private cell/text for personal hair growth coaching! 

What other company does this? 

Only Belegenza, Alan & Cheryl! 
Take me to the GrowOUT Package NOW
YES! Take me to the Post Partum Hair Package NOW!
Yes. Take me to the Post Partum Mommy Hair Package

Your Trusted Brother & Sister Hair Growth Experts, 
Alan & Cheryl
FREE "12 Everyday Things Slowing Hair Growth: Hair Thinning Reversed!" Click here, now.