First of all…I want to give you a wonderful report. If you remember, when I saw you this summer, I told you I was experiencing quite a bit of hair loss. I had gone for blood tests and there were no markers that would explain it. My stress levels were more or less normal…although I admit to being highly emotional. Well…my hairdresser says my hair loss is at normal levels now. No longer am I filling the sink after washings and I don’t freak out cleaning my hairbrush daily. I believe I owe all of this positive report to your amazing Grow Out Shampoo and Romance Deep Conditioner. Not only has it banished the hair loss issue…I also see some sweet re-growth around my hairline. I’m breathing a huge sigh of relief even as I write this! (As a side note, I want to also congratulate you on incorporating the aromatherapy with the shampoo! So rejuvenating…)
Thank you so much for your knowledge, insight, creativity and ingenuity.
Wishing you both continued success in changing people’s lives!
With great love and respect,