Perimenopause is marking the end of the reproductive years in which your body makes the natural transition to menopause. Perimenopause means “around menopause” and is also called the menopausal transition. It is a biological process all women eventually go through.
Considered an illness, we like to talk about it as an adjustment period in a woman’s life.
We consider the illness part is the loss of hair! No matter what they consider “illnesses that cause hair loss in females,” we’re out to make it easier for you….with as little hair loss or NO hair loss. Ultimately, even better hair growth after menopause!
Women start perimenopause at different ages. Some notice signs, such as irregular periods, in their 40s and some as early as their mid-30s.
The level of estrogen rises and drops irregularly during perimenopause. Estrogen and progesterone are responsible for keeping the hair in the growing phase, allowing it to grow faster and stay on the head longer.
When estrogen and progesterone levels drop, it triggers an increase in male hormones called androgens, which are responsible for shrinking hair follicles.
With a decrease in estrogen and progesterone and an increase in androgens, the result can be a slowing in hair growth and an increase in hair loss.
Continue reading if you want to increase your chances of having great hair during menopause, and lessening the effects of menopause and hair loss. Find out the three ways to help stop hair loss.
Perimenopause Hair Loss: 3 Ways to Stop It!
Illnesses That Cause Hair Loss in Females
1. Pay attention to everything you put in your hair: This includes everything you lather, slather, spray, squirt, smush, or rub on your hair and scalp. These items contain ingredients like plastic, acrylates, and silicone that get into the pores, follicles, and crevices around where the hair and scalp meet; thus sealing, clogging, and choking off your hair growth. It’s like a wrapper is on your hair and scalp and you can’t simply rinse that wrapper off and out of the follicles and pores. The follicles, which are smothered and can’t breathe, struggle to form hair, but in its compromised condition start to give up, thin out, and eventually give up and you go bald.
2. Avoid soy, corn syrup, and mercury(fish): Unfortunately, soy protein is responsible for phytohemagglutinin, which is a plastic-like complex that lodges in the finest capillaries of the body. Follicles have some of the finest capillaries. Soy is used in everything from salad dressing, bread, protein bars, to biofuel, to the ink that is printed in a book.
Corn doesn’t exactly attack hair follicles, but many nutritionists will tell you that corn products disrupt so many metabolic processes and more, that your body will go into emergency mode again to get that disruptor out of the body or store it in the fat cells to not deal with it. With your body dealing with all the disruptors, there are minimal to no nutrients left to build hair.
Mercury is a disruptor of the body’s metabolic processes also and is not just in canned tuna. Watch out for swordfish, mackerel king, orange roughy, and tuna.
3. Avoid substances that collect in or on your follicles: A few decades ago we worried about petroleum and mineral oil in hair products. But now, with “progress”, manufacturers have replaced those oils with silicones, acrylates, waxes, quaterniums, and plasticizers, which do wonders for making the hair look better, but that is until it thins out and falls out. For a more in-depth look at these ingredients read Perimenopause Hair Loss: Worst Things to Put in Your Hair.
Conclusion: Perimenopause Hair Loss: 3 Ways to Stop It! Illnesses That Cause Hair Loss in Females
Perimenopause is a critical time that many miss, fortunately, there are things you can do to minimize the loss and care for your scalp to optimize hair regrowth. For an in-depth look at all the steps you could take to have the best hair during perimenopause and menopause, check out our book Menopause and Hair Growth Exposed! Lose the Fear of Hair Loss.
Take me to the Menopause Hair Growth Package(Stay tuned. We are just finishing up our newest package for Perimenopause Hair Loss/Hair Growth! Bookmark this page! Also, we continue to address illnesses that cause hair loss in females, so get on our newletter list as well for updates.)
Tags: Perimenopause Hair Loss: 3 Ways to Stop It! Illnesses That Cause Hair Loss in Females, Can hormonal hair loss be reversed, what hormone causes hair loss in females, Perimenopause Hair Loss: 3 Ways to Stop It! Illnesses That Cause Hair Loss in Females, Can hormonal hair loss be reversed, what hormone causes hair loss in females, Perimenopause Hair Loss: 3 Ways to Stop It! Illnesses That Cause Hair Loss in Females, Can hormonal hair loss be reversed, what hormone causes hair loss in females,