
The Illustrious Shampoo and Cleanser actually did what it promised unlike most shampoos. I used this shampoo and WOW, did that shine come back.


Illustrious shampoo & cleanser

See Our Reviews Below

Pure & natural cleansing

IlLustrious Shampoo & Cleanser starts with the healing power of aloe to soothe as you cleanse away synthetic build-up on your hair and scalp. Blended with premium extracts of botanicals to heal microscopic hair damage for stronger, healthier hair. Helps bring life to natural hair color while also being gentle on processed color, no washing it down the drain!



Originators of Silicone Free Era, PETA Certified, 30-day Money back guarantee

Perfect hair begins with pure & natural cleansing.

Cleans & purifies without sulfates, color-safe, free of nasties

The ultra-low lather of IlLustrious repairs, rejuvenates, balances, and nourishes your hair and scalp. Perfect for all hair types. It’s also perfect for skin too, so feel free to use it from head to toe!

All natural, nasties free, made from food

IlLustrious shampoo & cleanser is the right product for your hair growth

IlLustrious shampoo is the perfect product to grow your hair more fully and quickly than you are normally used to.


Our customers have experienced stories such as: 

growing 7 inches in 10 months”, “to help with post-chemotherapy”, and “recovering from valley-fever“. 


We are so blessed to have customers that trust our product when they are needing help in their everyday lives. 

what are people saying about belegenza?

Attorney, Houston, TX
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I'm not looking for a miracle to grow all my hair back. I just wanted to keep what I have. I thought GrowOUT was working, and my girlfriend confirmed it. Even she noticed that it's working! And, to my surprise, some of it IS growing back. Let me buy more now!
R.N., Stuart, Florida
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I'm almost 60, and my hair is so thick I have trouble getting my fingers around my hair when I put it in a ponytail! I haven't had this wonderful problem since I was a teenager! Plus, the new hairs around my hairline make me smile every time I look in the mirror! Thanks, Alan & Cheryl for inventing Belegenza!
-Obsessed in San Diego!
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Hi Alan & Cheryl, I just want to let you know how much I love your products. I don't know if you knew that I was diagnosed with Valley Fever and had a rough two years. I was on such heavy duty medications that my hair was falling out in big patches. It was so bad that I had to wear a bandana to cover it. After using your products for the past year and a half, I am happy to say my hair has grown in beautifully and no need for bandanas! My girlfriend commented on how thick my hair is now and asked what I was using. I think she will now start using Belegenza also. Just wanted you to know how much I love your products and glad you are doing so well.
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I totally beat my sorority sisters at growing our hair out this past year. I chopped my hair off last September, and was growing it back, and then started using Growout exclusively since February, and in the 10 months, I’ve grown over 7 inches and it’s shiny and healthier than ever. That’s crazy! That’s like 3/4 inch a month, but I know it’s more since February. I should have measured because I can tell it seems to be more than 3/4 inches per month!
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I used your system a couple years ago following my chemotherapy. I never lost my hair completely as my treatment was considered mild. I was pleased with the results but went back to my old shampoo after my hair seemed to recover. Slowly my hair has seemed to thin again, not as bad as during chemo but it’s definitely not like it was after chemo stopped & I had been using your products. Thank you, I’m looking forward to getting back to your shampoo & conditioner on a permanent basis.
