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Hair Goes Grey When Cells Stop Producing Pigment.

Grey hair normally changes texture. Some hair becomes fine and thin, while others change to coarse and wiry. Some grey hair becomes a mixture of textures.

As greying continues, the hair frequently looks wiry, lacks a youthful, silky texture and vibrant shine. Grey color in almost any form tends to absorb light and show up as dull, flat, or matte. Therefore, to vitalize grey hair, you want to understand its basic characteristics so as to show off its natural beauty .
Grey hair that is tinted often gives itself away, due to off-tones, and generally dry-looking and/or looks matte. Improper inner core conditions make these tinted colors look flat, unnatural, and give away that it’s not really natural pigments!

My Grey Hair Looks Thinner

Hair follicles get smaller as we age, and with smaller follicles come smaller individual hairs!
These smaller hairs, have a more transparent appearance from the lack of pigment.
This makes hair look thinner–but, now, this doesn’t have to happen to you!

The same number of hairs are actually present. But the transparent grey/white, allowing the light to shine through, creates the appearance of baldness, especially in direct lighting.
Another issue is that each hair may be weaker, and may break more easily.  What pigments are remaining must be enhanced properly, and the core must remain flexible and strong!

• You must use a chemical-free shampoo with a food-grade conditioner that attends to your inner core
• You should only blot your hair dry, rather than rubbing or roughing it with a towel. This alone will improve the condition and minimize breakage and damage. Rubbing roughens the cuticle edge, thus absorbing even more shine.

My Gray Hair is Dry & Brittle

As you get older, hair loses elasticity, causing brittleness–a loss of flexibility in the hair.

Dry, brittle hair could also be related to the hair products we use, especially with the new generation of silicones (see avoid list by clicking here) in most well-known and now especially popular brands, and less to aging. Hair that undergoes repetitive chemical treatments, for example shampoo with silicones, sulfates, bleaches, straighteners, or dyes has an impact.  By focusing on flexibility, which is a new concept, can now be THE most important element you now want for caring for your grey hair.

Chemical-based hair products & brands consistently make hair stiffer and dryer, especially those claiming they are “volumizing” products.  Based on synthetics that cause fine hairs to be more rigid, it is certain they will cause your hair more dullness, unruliness, and breakage–older looking hair.  You already know this, though and that is why you are here–to gain better advantages for your hair!

Why Does My Grey Hair Turn Yellow?

Yellowing in grey hair is a problem for most, and we’ve got the solution you want!
The yellow can be caused by a few things. One is oxidation. This oxidation process causes colouring (chromophoric) groups to form and this usually leads to a color shift towards yellowish shades. Another is the collection of particles from the atmosphere, most commonly nicotine, from tobacco smoke. Although nicotine itself is colorless/white, it turns yellow upon exposure to air, and due to ionization, attracts itself to hair.

By filling your hair with perfect building blocks & anti-oxidants, grey hair resists oxidation (yellowing). Now your grey hair gains protection to keep nicotine from attaching to your hair.

Using Belegenza is going to help your hair fend off the ravaging effects of oxidation & atmospheric yellowing. Belegenza always optimizes the clear tones that make grey, white, and salt-and-pepper look sexy, powerful, & distinguished!

Gray Hair Shampoos to Have Great Gray Hair

We recommend Belegenza products, and have assembled several packages – perfect for what you want for your hair!

As you will see, each product has a number.
• 1 is shampoos
• 2 are conditioners
• 3 are treatments
• 4 are styling/finishing!

If this is your first time, go all the way in with a combination of  1,2,3 & 4, which is (Grey Hair Perfection Package). This will ensure that everything is working in your favor for your trial run!  By using all 4 products, you will not be using anything else that might undermine the results you now want!

We are certain you will love the results. From then on, just order individual replacements. ( Customers typically re-order in 9 weeks, because they last 3 times longer! )

If you are still skeptical we understand!  Simply get started with ONE product for now! Let the luxurious experience romance you into investing in a full package from then on.

FREE of  “the nasties!”

What are the nasties?

  • salt
  • gluten
  • fillers
  • silicones
  • parabens
  • pesticides
  • phthalates
  • petrolatum
  • artificial dyes
  • formaldehyde
  • harmful sulfates(sls)
  • …..and more!

PETA Certified (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)

 ( not just a cute logo…a prestigious stamp of approval!)

Fine hair? Tinted? Indescribable damage?  If you have found yourself on the “TRY ANYTHING” wheel, it may be that silicone and synthetic products just can’t quite cover up the damage that has accumulated coupled with hormonal influences on the hair’s natural processes.   As Belegenza begins to purify your hair from these slick cover-ups, the true damage may be revealed and for the first few applications, your hair may tangle, feel dry or more brittle.  This is temporary, as the micro-conditioning agents make their way INTO the damage sites.  Keep going.  It’s temporary, and you’ll be glad you did! Not only that, we’re here to assist you through the process.  You can always start the conversation with “Alan-bot” who should have already popped up to help! If not, feel free to contact us at .


*Information on this site is provided for informational & entertainment purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional.

The results reported may not necessarily occur in all individuals.

BELEGENZA LLC and KEITH ESCHENBURG INC is providing this site and its contents on an “as is” basis and makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this site or its contents. Except as specifically stated on this site, neither BELEGENZA LLC and KEITH ESCHENBURG INC nor any of its directors, employees or other representatives will be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this site.

This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This (these) product(s) is(are) not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor is any growth claimed. Individual results may vary.