Hair is an important factor in how we feel about ourselves.
Unfortunately, most of us with curly hair want straight hair.
We would guess Sarah Jessica Parker has felt this way about her curly hair at some point.
But wouldn’t you agree it’s a signature look for her!
Sure, many of us straighten our hair if curly. But why not just embrace what our DNA has given to us.
Ariana and Vanessa did.
Now look at it from a different perspective.
As each of us is a unique individual, we each have unique hair.
Our hair is as distinctive as our fingerprints.
Each one of us has a special combination of textures that make our very own hair pattern.
It’s ours.
Why not love it?
Belegenza’s EncCore Leave-In Conditioner, when used per direction, can be used on straight hair for a perfect sleek finish.
For those days you wear it curly, a secret off label use for EnCore is to scrunch it through your dry curls to calm down the frizz and to refine and deepen your curl pattern.
PLUS, the story of Alan freaking out with Nina Paskowitz in Hollywood when she demonstrated her EnCore Technique 15 minutes before Geena Davis’ Show! It’s a startling trick shared with us by movie studio stylist, Nina Paskowitz in Hollywood, whose list of clients will leave you drooling! (Can’t tell for privacy reasons, but you decide if EnCore is a red or blue pill!) Have fun with what you were given and look fabulous — the Belegenza Way.
Your Trusted Brother & Sister Curl Refining Hair Experts,
Alan & Cheryl