
Chemo Hair Loss & Hair Regrowth Scalp Care

Obvious as it is, chemo hair loss is function of the hair follicles having been attacked by chemo.
So, when you are finished with the last treatment of chemo or radiation, those follicles, which are considered fast dividing cells (12 – 72 hour division) like to get busy fast! 
That’s excellent news for most.

This is BAD NEWS for 
those who don’t know what is going on “skin deep” in the scalp. 

Many people are just happy to do the last treatment , which is a celebration, of course! 
But without forethought or proper education as to what they need to do to insure their long-term hair growth, it could end badly…thin or weak hair.

The detox from medications and regrowth period, the first 68 days are crucial. 

Those who know these bits of information are the ones who typically get all their hair back! 

Those who don’t know and are not prepared may suffer weaker hair growth and results. Not only that, after the follicles had been bombarded during chemo, some may just have given up, thus chemo hair loss.

This is where setting the conditions up for hair growth make the biggest difference. 

By the way, our clients are set up from the moment they’ve been diagnosed and we guide you through perfect and easy scalp care during chemo, after and from then on! A perfect recipe for hair growth after chemo success. 

But, no matter what stage you have found us in, we are going to guide you to your best results possible. 

  1. Use as few chemicals as possible on your scalp. SLS, Sodium Chloride (from shampoos), silicones, dimethicone, cyclopentasiloxane, mineral oil, petrolatum, and volatile organic compounds (essential oils) that may be too stimulating. 
  2. Be gentle when your scalp itches. This is due to dryness compounded by chemo.  If you must scratch, try this. First use your fingertips only to massage it.  If that’s not enough, and we understand how an itch must be scratched for relief…. Go to the next level by using the bed of your nails to gently stimulate circulation.  Don’t scratch with the free edge of your nails, but curl your fingertips so that the flat bed portion of your nails make contact with your scalp. 
    Because the free edge of your nails can be sharp to your scalp, using only the bed of your nails feels great, without the danger of scraping with the free edge. It’s quite surprising and satisfying. If you want more explanation about this, feel free to ask us!
  3. Only use gentle shampoo and a silicone-free conditioner to soothe the scalp. (AND NOT BABY SHAMPOO. Lawsuits against these companies are still in progress, and they are perfect examples of lies told in marketing to unsuspecting and trusting people). Also, if you are new to our method and philosophy, organic products typically contain silicone derivatives (the stuff caulk is made of) and may plug follicles and disrupt growth. Here’s a link to your free copy of the Silicone Derivative AVOID List.

In the first 2 weeks of these 68 days, you will not be able to see the hairs….if they are growing. Think of it like a seed in the soil. You can’t dig them up each day to check their progress without killing them. Because the hair follicle root is “skin deep” you must do all the right things as they get themselves going and emerging from the top layer of the skin! 

It’s a lot to take in, and we are just “scratching” the surface. 

Timing is everything at this phase. 

You either do the right things or take chances, and wonder later if you could have done more. 

Because of our (Alan’s & Cheryl’s) obsession for hair, we’ve done all the hard work for you. 

Give us AT LEAST those first 68 days to show you and set your hair up for long-term success. 

This is part of why we have obsessed customers who always say, ” I always come back to Belegenza!” 

If it’s before these 68 days… even better. 

If it’s after these 68 days….awesome, too! 

As one person said, “I was using Belegenza during my chemo and before my wedding. After my wedding I stopped and started using other expensive so-called trusted brands. But my hair was better during chemo using Belegenza. So I am back and a lifetime customer.” 

Don’t you want to do all the right things for your follicles after all that? 

Take me to the Premium Chemo Hair Growth Package NOW!


I want to take the FREE "2 Minute Hair Evaluation," now!


By the way, GrowOUT products boast  a concentration of over 17 trusted ingredients heralded as hair growth secrets worldwide.
It is easily applied in short bursts using the nozzle to target thinning areas right at the scalp. 


Chemo Hair Loss & Hair Regrowth Scalp Care


I want to take the FREE "2 Minute Hair Evaluation," now!

“12 Everyday Things Slowing Hair Growth: Thinning Hair Reversal” FREE info. Print your own copy.

Your Trusted Brother & Sister Hair Growth Experts,
Alan & Cheryl

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Cheryl & Alan on the set of Rizzoli & Isles

Tags: Chemo Hair Loss & Hair Regrowth Scalp Care, Silicone Free, Longer hair, Stronger Hair, Faster Growing hair, Chemo Hair Loss & Hair Regrowth Scalp Care, How to grow my hair faster, Chemo Hair Loss & Hair Regrowth Scalp Care 

OFFICIAL Guide to Hair Growth

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Definitive Guide Before, During & After Menopause Hair Loss & Hair Growth


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MSRP $29.95.
Order your FREE copy now!

Chemo Hair Loss & Hair Regrowth Scalp Care

FREE of  “the nasties!”

What are the nasties?

  • salt
  • gluten
  • fillers
  • silicones
  • parabens
  • pesticides
  • phthalates
  • petrolatum
  • artificial dyes
  • formaldehyde
  • harmful sulfates(sls)
  • …..and more!

PETA Certified (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)

 ( not just a cute logo…a prestigious stamp of approval!)

Fine hair? Tinted? Indescribable damage?  If you have found yourself on the “TRY ANYTHING” wheel, it may be that silicone and synthetic products just can’t quite cover up the damage that has accumulated coupled with hormonal influences on the hair’s natural processes.   As Belegenza begins to purify your hair from these slick cover-ups, the true damage may be revealed and for the first few applications, your hair may tangle, feel dry or more brittle.  This is temporary, as the micro-conditioning agents make their way INTO the damage sites.  Keep going.  It’s temporary, and you’ll be glad you did! Not only that, we’re here to assist you through the process.  You can always start the conversation with “Alan-bot” who should have already popped up to help! If not, feel free to contact us at .

Success Stories

I just started using Encore after my last perm and coloring. In the past, it would take some time for my hair to recover and have the type of texture I liked. But Encore worked immediately to increase the smoothness and overall health of my hair, starting immediately following the treatment. My hair is in the best shape now that it’s ever been.
Jan B.
I discovered your product by researching hair products for salt-&-pepper very dry hair. After reading the rave reviews, I concluded they must be fabricated because they were so glowing. But, being desperate to find an effective product, I took a chance and ordered the travel size of the Illustrious 1 shampoo and Romance 2 conditioner. After only a couple of uses, my hair was transformed from it’s dull, dry, straw-like texture to it’s former bounce and shine. Truly amazing. I loved it so much I ordered the full sizes and added the SpotLite Shine. LOVED those so much, my next order was for the professional sizes plus the Virginity leave-in conditioner. At the risk of sounding like those other reviews that I thought were fake, I absolutely LOVE these products. Please consider this a thank you note for rescuing my hai
Donna R.
Office Manager
I love the formulations by Belegenza for thinning hair! Using them exclusively for the past year and see a difference in scalp health, new hair growth, and texture.


*Information on this site is provided for informational & entertainment purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional.

The results reported may not necessarily occur in all individuals.

BELEGENZA LLC and KEITH ESCHENBURG INC is providing this site and its contents on an “as is” basis and makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this site or its contents. Except as specifically stated on this site, neither BELEGENZA LLC and KEITH ESCHENBURG INC nor any of its directors, employees or other representatives will be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this site.

This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This (these) product(s) is(are) not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor is any growth claimed. Individual results may vary.

Obvious as it is, chemo hair loss is function of the hair follicles.
So, when you are finished with the last treatment of chemo or radiation, those follicles, which are considered fast dividing cells (12 – 72 hour division) like to get busy fast! 
That’s excellent news for most.

This is BAD NEWS for 
those who don’t know what is going on “skin deep” in the scalp. 

Many people are just happy to do the last treatment , which is a celebration, of course! 
But without forethought or proper education as to what they need to do to insure their long-term hair growth, it could end badly…thin or weak hair.

The detox from medications and regrowth period, the first 68 days are crucial. 

Those who know these bits of information are the ones who typically get all their hair back! 

Those who don’t know and are not prepared may suffer weaker hair growth and results. Not only that, after the follicles had been bombarded during chemo, some may just have given up, thus chemo hair loss.

This is where setting the conditions up for hair growth make the biggest difference. 

By the way, our clients are set up from the moment they’ve been diagnosed and we guide you through perfect and easy scalp care during chemo, after and from then on! A perfect recipe for hair growth after chemo success. 

But, no matter what stage you have found us in, we are going to guide you to your best results possible. 

  1. Use as few chemicals as possible on your scalp. SLS, Sodium Chloride (from shampoos), silicones, dimethicone, cyclopentasiloxane, mineral oil, petrolatum, and volatile organic compounds (essential oils) that may be too stimulating. 
  2. Be gentle when your scalp itches. This is due to dryness compounded by chemo.  If you must scratch, try this. First use your fingertips only to massage it.  If that’s not enough, and we understand how an itch must be scratched for relief…. Go to the next level by using the bed of your nails to gently stimulate circulation.  Don’t scratch with the free edge of your nails, but curl your fingertips so that the flat bed portion of your nails make contact with your scalp. 
    Because the free edge of your nails can be sharp to your scalp, using only the bed of your nails feels great, without the danger of scraping with the free edge. It’s quite surprising and satisfying. If you want more explanation about this, feel free to ask us!
  3. Only use gentle shampoo and a silicone-free conditioner to soothe the scalp. (AND NOT BABY SHAMPOO. Lawsuits against these companies are still in progress, and they are perfect examples of lies told in marketing to unsuspecting and trusting people). Also, if you are new to our method and philosophy, organic products typically contain silicone derivatives (the stuff caulk is made of) and may plug follicles and disrupt growth. Here’s a link to your free copy of the Silicone Derivative AVOID List.

In the first 2 weeks of these 68 days, you will not be able to see the hairs….if they are growing. Think of it like a seed in the soil. You can’t dig them up each day to check their progress without killing them. Because the hair follicle root is “skin deep” you must do all the right things as they get themselves going and emerging from the top layer of the skin! 

It’s a lot to take in, and we are just “scratching” the surface. 

Timing is everything at this phase. 

You either do the right things or take chances, and wonder later if you could have done more. 

Because of our (Alan’s & Cheryl’s) obsession for hair, we’ve done all the hard work for you. 

Give us AT LEAST those first 68 days to show you and set your hair up for long-term success. 

This is part of why we have obsessed customers who always say, ” I always come back to Belegenza!” 

If it’s before these 68 days… even better. 

If it’s after these 68 days….awesome, too! 

As one person said, “I was using Belegenza during my chemo and before my wedding. After my wedding I stopped and started using other expensive so-called trusted brands. But my hair was better during chemo using Belegenza. So I am back and a lifetime customer.” 

Don’t you want to do all the right things for your follicles after all that? 

Take me to the Premium Chemo Hair Growth Package NOW!


I want to take the FREE "2 Minute Hair Evaluation," now!


By the way, GrowOUT products boast  a concentration of over 17 trusted ingredients heralded as hair growth secrets worldwide.
It is easily applied in short bursts using the nozzle to target thinning areas right at the scalp. 

Chemo Hair Loss & Hair Regrowth Scalp Care, Silicone Free, Longer hair, Stronger Hair, Faster Growing hair, Chemo Hair Loss & Hair Regrowth Scalp Care, How to grow my hair faster, Chemo Hair Loss & Hair Regrowth Scalp Care

Chemo Hair Loss & Hair Regrowth Scalp Care

Chemo Hair Loss & Hair Regrowth Scalp Care