
We need energy to get us through each and every day of our busy lives.
We have energy in abundance when we are young.
But as the years go by, we find ourselves tired more often.
B12 is a vitamin known to give a boost of energy.
It does so by metabolizing carbohydrates after a meal.
Did you know that based on studies premature greying is due to vitamin B12 deficiency?
An unbalanced diet can be the culprit so if you feel this is happening to you a change in diet can help.
Before we tell you what INCREASES your B12, don’t bother until you also choose to cut back on the things that EAT up your B12!
And, before we tell you that….
Be sure to start eating more foods like liver
meat, like beef and lamb
fish such as salmon,
and dairy products like yogurt and milk.
Of course, if you’re vegan or vegetarian, make your adjustments to get more B12 from other sources.
(We know lots of vegans and vegetarian and they’ve divulged that they sometimes crave a burger or piece of meat once in a while.  Of course, if asked, they’ll say we lied. Maybe it’s just the body’s way of remembering where to get certain vitamins, thus turning on a craving. This is partially the reason of chocolate cravings, too. It’s a major source of magnesium that your body remembers when it’s low. But that’s a whole other blog for later!)
The good news is premature greying due to B12 deficiency, or pernicious anemia, is reversible if you increase your intake of this vitamin.
You can either choose the pill or just adding foods rich in B12 in your diet.
Oh, remember, we teased you earlier about not bothering unless you cut back on some things?
White sugar.
Brown sugar.
Sugar in the raw.
It takes loads of vitamins to process these stripped calories.
They are stripped of minerals, vitamins and nutrients, and require them to process it through your body.
While B12 is stored is the liver, and when you eat sugar, it uses that stored B12, thus depleting your supply. It gets worse and worse as you continue high sugar intake.
So, we are not asking you to become a t-totaler, nor are we t-totalers either!
  Be responsible by cutting sugars down, and watch your
energy levels rise,
your greying slow,
your mental acuity rise,
your hair growth improve,
your hair QUALITY improve and so much more. 
If you can’t do that, at least add as much B12 as you can, but don’t expect miracles unless you take both into consideration.
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Tags: Illnesses that Cause Hair Loss in Females & Grey Gone WILD, silicone free, sulfate free, Illnesses that Cause Hair Loss in Females & Grey Gone WILD, gluten free,  Illnesses that Cause Hair Loss in Females & Grey Gone WILD, Illnesses that Cause Hair Loss in Females

Illnesses that Cause Hair Loss in Females & Grey Gone WILD

Illnesses that Cause Hair Loss in Females & Grey Gone WILD