
Women ( and men ) undergoing chemotherapy have so much to deal with …and hair is often the top of the list. 

While others may think it’s not that big a deal, to the person who’s confronting it  all, it IS a big deal!
Here are the five of the top common concerns:hair during chemo

1. Hair Loss:
One of the most significant concerns for women undergoing chemotherapy is the anticipated hair loss, which can affect the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, and other body hair.
The prospect of losing their hair during chemo can be emotionally distressing and challenging for many.

2. Scalp Sensitivity and Discomfort:
Some experience scalp sensitivity and discomfort as their hair starts to thin or fall out. This can manifest as itching, tingling, or a burning sensation, which can be uncomfortable and distressing. With an already uncomfortable situation of hair loss, many people feel worse than usual. 

3. Wig Selection and Maintenance:
Many women opt to wear wigs during and after chemotherapy to maintain a sense of normalcy and self-esteem.
Choosing the right wig, ensuring it looks natural, and maintaining it can be a concern for women. They may also worry about the cost of quality wigs. Be sure to consider how the wig feels on your scalp, given the sensitivity may be heightened, thus making the wig even more uncomfortable. And, consider that having a “wiggy” look that is like an actress or character’s hair may be just as appropriate as a “natural” looking wig!  Some find it freeing to experiment during this challenging time.  

4. Eyebrow and Eyelash Loss:
Losing eyebrows and eyelashes can be emotionally challenging, as these features play a significant role in facial appearance. Women may seek solutions such as eyebrow pencils, false eyelashes, or microblading to address these concerns. Though it may feel unnatural or “it doesn’t look like me,” brows are important to be in balance with your wig.
If you choose no wig, it is still important to frame your eyes with brows, as no brows tend to pull the attention of the viewers’ eyes.  Brows, the eyes’ “frame,” will draw the attention back to your eyes. It sounds counterintuitive, but you will notice it in your pictures that brows are very important during this time, even if they look a little too much than usual. 

5. Hair Regrowth and Texture Changes:
After completing chemotherapy, women often wonder about the regrowth of their hair. They may have concerns about the texture, color, and pattern of regrowth. Some worry that their hair may not return to its pre-treatment state.

It’s essential to provide emotional support and practical guidance to women undergoing chemotherapy to help address these concerns.

Healthcare professionals, support groups, and organizations specializing in cancer care can offer valuable advice and resources to assist women in managing the challenges associated with hair loss during chemo treatments.

And do keep in mind that not everyone in the medical field will be as concerned with your hair as you might think they should be.  Their expertise is saving you from the cancer, so do have compassion for their possible lack of knowledge about hair

For more about saving your hair from experts in the categoryChemo-Premium Hair Care NOW Package * 

“12 Everyday Things Slowing Hair Growth: Hair Thinning Reversed.”

tags: Top 5 Concerns about Womens Hair During Chemo Treatments, illnesses that cause hair loss in females, hair during chemo, chemo hair growth, chemo hair loss, Hair during CHEMO, chemotherapy

Top 5 Concerns about Womens Hair During Chemo Treatments
Hair During Chemo Concerns

Illnesses that Cause Hair Loss in Females & Hair During Chemo