
1. Hair loss is a common side effect of chemo

 A common side effect of cancer treatment is hair loss. Hair loss can happen as a side effect of chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radiation therapy, or a stem cell (bone marrow) transplant. Hair loss varies for everyone, and can be challenging regarding your physical appearance and emotionally. You could lose sections of your hair or all of it. Your hair might come out slowly over time or become thin. Or you may notice that your hair is just dryer and duller. Managing these effects are an important part of your recovery. Fortunately, lost hair usually grows back after cancer and treatment.  

2. When will my hair grow back? 

Your hair should begin to grow back once you complete your treatments. Hair regrowth can take 3 to 5 months. Your regrowth may have a different texture or color. It may be thinner and more easily damaged than before your treatment. It’s important to treat your scalp and hair with some TLC. Your scalp is the gateway to hair health.  

3. Hair and scalp care 

Here are some tips to take care of your hair and scalp:

1. Pat your hair dry to prevent damage. Avoid pulling on your hair as much as possible. Style it gently with a soft brush or wide-toothed comb.

2. When outdoors, use sun protection on your scalp, such as a hat or scarf.

3. Avoid high-heat styling, chemical curling or straightening, and permanent or semi-permanent hair color.

4. Choose a silk or satin pillowcase.

5. Talk with your health care team if you are interested in taking a vitamin supplement.

6. it’s crucial that you choose a shampoo that hydrates and doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals, especially SLS (Sodium Laurel Sulfate).  Most shampoos have lots of different ingredients in them (fragrances) which may be too many for your scalp to tolerate at once.

7. Apply SpotLite Shine to dry, bald scalps to keep your scalp supple.

 4. Caring for hair growing back 

As we mentioned earlier, when your hair begins to grow back, it may be much thinner and more easily damaged than your original hair. It may also be a different texture or color. Here are some tips that may help you to provide some TLC to your hair that is growing back. 

1. Massage your scalp gently to remove dry skin and flakes. Using a scalp brush helps to keep the scalp clear and stimulates micro-circulation that promotes growth.

2. Use hair products that hydrate and are free of harmful chemicals.

3. Use a wide-tooth comb instead of a brush for your hair. When styling your hair, limit the amount of pinning, curling, or blow-drying with high heat.

4. Avoid permanent or semi-permanent hair color for at least 3 months after treatment ends.

5. Avoid chemical products such as permanent wave solutions or straighteners until it all grows back. You may need to wait up to a year before you can chemically curl or straighten your hair. Before trying chemical products again, test a small patch of hair to see how it reacts. Consult your hairstylist for recommendations. 

 5. Conclusion 

Belegenza Natural Hair Care provides solutions for people who have lost their hair or who have noticed a dramatic change in their appearance after chemotherapy treatment: natural, affordable and effective products that work well in all situations, including post-chemo regrowth.
Your Trusted Brother & Sister Hair Growth Experts,
Alan & Cheryl 
Take me to the Hair Growth after Chemo Package

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On the set of Rizzoli and Isles, Alan & Cheryl.
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